If you are an MBA, then can I call any degree or skill I have my identity?
What you have and who you are aren’t necessarily the same thing.
I am not analyzing, optimizing, or advertising.
I am a human being who has intrinsic value independent of my skill, job title, and accomplishments.
You, my friend, have immense value even if you don’t have a Ph. D in your email signature line.
And sometimes it’s okay to just sit there and be content– to not have to “hustle” all the time or be guilted into maintaining false appearances.
You have permission to just be.
I’ve done little work the last 3 weeks, and it’s been great. 9 flights over 8 hours each, plus a dozen short ones. No wifi.
I used to joke that I work part-time- just choose which 12 hours of each day.
But now I “work” only 4 hours each day, with learning being the bulk of my time. 2 hours for clients and 2 hours for our team.
I’ve said NO to thousands of requests for meetings with no guilt. And that has pissed off potential clients who weren’t a fit anyway.
Those people expect instant response and for free, who don’t respect your precious time.
Be around those who love you and who you love, independent of your degree, skill, or title.