Dennis Yu

The Do’s and Don’ts of taking on a new job

1) Become a highly-concerned observer 2) If your mouth is open, you are not learning  3) Challenge your assumptions 4) Listen to your peers 5) Help your boss raise their status 6) Create a business plan for every assignment 7) Direct your availability up, down, and sideways 8) Be aware of others’ feelings and goals  9) Know the names and responsibilities of your peers 10) Ask for help and show your appreciation 11) Do not try to impress others with your past  12) Keep to your word 13) Become part of your team first before you become a leader 14) Arrive early and stay late. 27 years ago, the CEO of American Airlines gave me this. This will stay with me forever, and I am sure with my mission to provide jobs to a million Pakistanis this will come in very handy for them. 

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What are some of your “Greatest Hits”?

I don’t get worried when I lose. Not because I’m “tough” or because I pretend that losing doesn’t hurt. It’s because I know that my “Greatest Hits” will continue to provide for me, just like your Greatest Hits will do the same for you when you know how to amplify them to live forever. My friend, Matthew Januszek, and I talk about my greatest struggles and some things I’ve never shared before in how to do this in the Escape Your Limits podcast.

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You’re not strong enough by yourself

If you’re feeling alone and overwhelmed in the hustle of constantly trying to reach your goals, then you like many others must understand this– you’re not strong enough by yourself. I believe people don’t truly understand the value of having a mentor. Mentorship is the key to everything I’ve ever gotten. Because other successful people believed in me and were willing to invest in my future, so many doors were opened for me that couldn’t have happened in any other way. Surround yourself with people who can help you achieve your goals and watch your life change in ways you never imagined.

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