My team has access to all the pictures and videos on my phone, automatically posted to Google Drive via a shared login.
They then update my Topic Wheel with these folks, often slicing up one-minute segments to honor smart tidbits they share.
Then they write posts honoring them, with me as the journalist interviewing them— not about me showing how I’m with successful and cool people.
This also helps me remember people’s names since I’m lousy with names.
When you take pictures wearing badges, it’s a dead giveaway you’re at a conference. But wearing name tags makes it easier to identify the many faces you otherwise would have forgotten.
Don’t take pictures in front of the conference logo wall— if you’d not do it with close friends, don’t do it with these folks. And better than a picture, make a one-minute video together.
Because from the video, you can pull out stills— but you can’t go from pictures to video.
Worse, don’t do audio-only podcasts, since you miss the video— but can go to audio-only later if you start with the video.
I maximize my networking efforts by studying in advance the handful of people I want to meet, instead of trying to meet everyone.