The killer hack to get more clients and referrals is to ask your clients to describe what it’s like working with you.
Especially when you hold a live event like Caleb Guilliams in Denver this February.
At the end of each day, we went around the room, giving clients an opportunity to share their “aha moment”.
Invariably, this was powerful public praise for Caleb and his team.
Try getting this sort of energy in a post-event survey or mass email asking for feedback.
Caleb had the cameras rolling.
The energy was high, and you could feel the “family” vibe of people who initially met as strangers but left the workshop feeling like they’d been friends for years.
Imagine if you systematically collected footage like this to supercharge your professional service firm.
It will work for you if it works in a “boring” industry like financial services.
And it helps to have a strong framework to teach from, killer public speaking skills, and a killer team to run the events.
The training and stories can be repurposed into webinars, articles, social media posts, and ads.
Are you building your marketing materials this way?