Your social media is failing because you’re not showing yourself doing the thing you actually do.
If you’re a garage door technician, show yourself working on a garage door.
If you’re a health and wellness practitioner, show yourself treating patients.
You can certainly have talking-head videos as voiceovers on top of the actual doing.
Recipe to Succeed on Social Media
Showing what you’re doing is trickier for digital marketing agencies. Because who wants to see Zoom calls and emails?
So my agency friends do the following things:
- Show high-authority content on social media. Show yourself hanging out with leaders that people in your industry respect.
- Publish a book, interview people on your podcast, and then turn it into a book.
People fear that AI will ruin marketing, but only for those who write generic articles that a robot can write.
Therefore, show real stories of what you do with your clients on social media.
AI uses a sample of the world’s collective knowledge to create content. I learned from interviewing top AI SaaS founders that AI is not fundamentally designed to map relationships and events.
Facebook is closest to this approach, but they are trying to beat TikTok by showing users the ‘best’ content instead of just what your friends are doing.
I believe that Facebook will continue to outperform TikTok in generating local leads because it lets friends and neighbors know what other people are up to.
So, if you show what you do, you will win.