Dennis Yu

Growth Mindset

Golf, like business, is a game of mistake management.

You’re not going for perfection, but the avoidance of catastrophe. Most success coaches and “influencers” bask in the moment of that one amazing shot, instead of continuing to make progress daily. My billionaire friends tell me it takes 10+ years of steady hard work to reach success. Look not for people who have an isolated […]

Golf, like business, is a game of mistake management. Read More »

My buddy who sold his company for $2.2 billion dollars gave me a billion-dollar gift.

He said that fear is the distance between where you are and the negative event in the future. If you are trying to “manifest”, then by definition there is a gap between where you are now and want to be. But if you believe that everything happens for a reason- that there are no coincidences

My buddy who sold his company for $2.2 billion dollars gave me a billion-dollar gift. Read More »

What I’ve learned about entrepreneurship and getting stuff done

– 2 hours of learning followed by an hour of doing beats 3 hours of doing.– If you have to say you’re an influencer, successful, honest, or whatever– you’re probably not.– Things are never as bad, or as good, as they seem, at the moment– so slow down a bit.– Why do people buy? There’s

What I’ve learned about entrepreneurship and getting stuff done Read More »

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