The average lifespan of a tweet is 18 minutes. That’s not long for your 280 characters of sage wisdom to survive.
We’ve been testing how to get more ROI from your account.
Twitter, like Facebook, lets you pin tweets to the top of your page. Sounds simple, but can be powerful. Here’s how.
- Choose a handful of your top tweets
- Amplify these tweets to track reach and more importantly CPE
- When you get a winner (a tweet that has a CPE of less than $0.02), pin it
Dennis Yu, CTO of Content Factory, demonstrated this principle.
First, advertise some tweets to generate influence. This one had a CPE of $0.02. We had a ringer.
Pin the winner for all visitors to see first when they visit your page.
Many do this.
GoDaddy Community Builder, Heather Dopson
Infusionsoft Expert, Paul Sokol
Even communities like Social Media Examiner.
Why do this?
Here’s Jason Keath CEO of Social Fresh
“Think of your Twitter profile page as your website’s about page. People click on about pages and profile pages to vet you. They want to look at the numbers, the connections, the content, and engagement is a huge piece of this. In addition to your profile image, URL, and bio, your pinned Tweet is among the best chances to build authority on your Twitter profile. Featuring a highly engaged Tweet can do a ton to convey your authority and encourage organic audience growth and new inbound business opportunities. Keep this content fresh and encourage engagement with a specific Tweet to put your best foot forward with this very public piece of your brand when possible.”
Pin on Facebook and Twitter, then amplify your authority with a dollar a day in ad spend.
This isn’t for profiles but can magnify the authority of your page. Just like having connections/endorsements on LinkedIn boosts your authority, having an audience and engagement on Twitter equals validation.
At Content Factory we’re always searching for new ways to strengthen authority. We can amplify not just for people, but brands, too. We have a whole guide on personal branding. If you found this article insightful you might be interested in downloading our guide.
Have you tried pinning tweets yet on your page?