Dennis Yu

For those of you who think you’ll make a killing with passive income projects, I have a sobering news for you.

That online course, software idea, or get-rich scheme you’re excited about…

If you can’t convince one person to give you the money— in person or on the phone— what makes you think that thousands of people coming to your web page will buy?

Show you can make just one sale— to get clarity on your message, audience, and pain point.

And when you’ve some enough testing to find what works, then scale it.

It would be arrogant to think that your very first attempt at marketing would be the winner, any more than your first practice makes you a pro.

The reason why most entrepreneurs fail is that they don’t realize how much testing and refining it takes to get things right.

They see the $$$$ supposedly made by others boasting online (it’s rarely what it appears to be), thinking they are “just one campaign away”.

Do you want “LinkedIn secrets” or “Facebook secrets” or whatever shortcut?

Then instead of gaining expertise through direct experience selling to live humans, give your money to the get-rich-quick peddlers, buy a lottery ticket, and hope…

Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu is a former search engine engineer who has spent a billion dollars on Google and Facebook ads for Nike, Quiznos, Ashley Furniture, Red Bull, State Farm, and other organizations that have many locations. He has achieved 25% of his goal of creating a million digital marketing jobs because of his partnership with universities, professional organizations, and agencies. Companies like GoDaddy, Fiverr,, 7 Figure Agency, and Vendasta partner with him to create training and certifications. Dennis created the Dollar a Day Strategy for local service businesses to enhance their existing local reputation and make the phone ring. He's coaching young adult agency owners who serve plumbers, AC technicians, landscapers, roofers, electricians in conjunction with leaders in these industries. Mr. Yu believes that there should be a standard in measuring local marketing efforts, much like doctors and plumbers need to be certified and licensed. His Content Factory training and dashboards are used by thousands of practitioners.

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