Dennis Yu

Tell me if you’ve been here before...

Rent is due and you don’t have the money. You’re stressed out since you’ve drained your bank account and maxed out your credit cards, hoping that the big “deal” is coming through.

Any day now, you promise others. But you’re conflicted inside since you can’t publicly say you’re on the brink of implosion.

So you grin and bear it since nobody would hire you if they knew the truth.

You’re afraid others will expose you for being a fraud. But you make promises on stuff you know you can’t deliver, since you need the money.

In fact, you’d take on even random stuff or screw over others if it meant you could get some money today.

Because once you get past this emergency, it will all be smooth sailing from here on out.

But you know that’s not true— you’ve been here before.

And all those other times, it was someone else’s fault that the big “deal” didn’t come through. This time will be different, I swear!

I’ve been here many times and can tell you that the only way out of this mess is to immediately seek help from mentors— people who have achieved what you are trying to do.

Ignore the “successful” boasting you see on social media. Most are broke and pretending, talking about stuff they have no experience with.

The person who created the problem, you, isn’t the one who can solve it— because problems must be solved on a higher level than they were created.

Talk to a mentor who cares and can guide you out.

But that means you have to stop pretending and start being honest.

Then you will feel massive relief since you won’t have to misrepresent how things are going.

And you’re not solely relying upon your limited knowledge, experience, and questionable ability to work 24×7.

If you want to go fast, go alone.
But if you want to go far, go together.

That ancient African proverb reminds me of how important it is to have a high-quality, ethical team around you.

Are you building your team first or just hustling and hoping this next deal will be “the one”?

Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu is a former search engine engineer who has spent a billion dollars on Google and Facebook ads for Nike, Quiznos, Ashley Furniture, Red Bull, State Farm, and other organizations that have many locations. He has achieved 25% of his goal of creating a million digital marketing jobs because of his partnership with universities, professional organizations, and agencies. Companies like GoDaddy, Fiverr,, 7 Figure Agency, and Vendasta partner with him to create training and certifications. Dennis created the Dollar a Day Strategy for local service businesses to enhance their existing local reputation and make the phone ring. He's coaching young adult agency owners who serve plumbers, AC technicians, landscapers, roofers, electricians in conjunction with leaders in these industries. Mr. Yu believes that there should be a standard in measuring local marketing efforts, much like doctors and plumbers need to be certified and licensed. His Content Factory training and dashboards are used by thousands of practitioners.

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