Billy Gene is to marketing as Las Vegas is to America.
Let’s go behind the surface appearances to discover what’s underneath, and I’ll explain how he went from relative obscurity to being on all the top stages making a million dollars a month in passive income.
Like you, I’ve watched his highly entertaining videos for the last couple of years– some of the only ones that I’m actually willing to sit through for an entire 6 minutes, instead of 6 seconds.
Some people may be rubbed the wrong way by his two-story San Diego penthouse, his brand new Bentley, and his big cheery face all over his marketing materials. Not to mention his rain of f-bombs, but that’s Billy being 100% authentic to himself.
If you attended Social Media Marketing World, you saw his 20-foot-tall face rotating above his massive booth. I asked Michael Stelzner, organizer of the conference, how much Billy paid. And he simply smiled, saying “a lot”.
But if you listen carefully to Billy and watch exactly what he does, you’ll see that:
- He is a world-class attention marketer: Like Billy, you can love or hate Gary Vee or Donald Trump, but you cannot deny their ability to draw attention. In fact, the reason why he calls his company “Billy Gene Is Marketing” is because he took a page out of Tyler Perry’s book, a well-established director. Tyler would place “Tyler Perry Presents” before all of his movies. Like Tyler, Billy strategically captures attention starting with his company name.
- He shows us how stories sell: Attend one of his free webinars and watch the sequence he follows. It would make a televangelist blush. He can sell hot dogs with ketchup to women wearing all white, or ice to Eskimos.
- He’s built a network of top digital marketers: He is an expert interviewer who is prepared and doesn’t talk too much. Watch him disarm his guests to get the truly juicy tidbits of knowledge, with or without alcohol involved.
The first time I met him, I was skeptical.
I walked into his downtown San Diego office to be on a Facebook live with him. We had a good show. He demonstrated he was a smart interviewer and gracious host.
But I’ve not seen him on a laptop– I wonder if he even has one.
He’s super quick to reply to messages, since it seems like he does everything on his phone, much like Gary Vee. He’s constantly cultivating relationships, cheering people, and being the life of the party.
After meeting him at half a dozen events, I thought he was a professional party animal.
Then I discovered Reena, Taylor, Daniel, and the other folks that run his company. He fully trusts them with operations, finance, scheduling, and reporting, while he builds relationships and focuses on what he’s good at.
He’s a master delegator, like an entrepreneur who doubles down on their key strength and outsources the rest.
Logan and I did a webinar for his Gene Pool subscribers a few weeks ago. We talked about the latest stuff on Facebook.
And then he decided that he wanted to run a flash sale on the spot.
He asked whether we have a course we can include in this sale. So we offered our $2,000 Agency Management Course for $500– to which he bundled in a few of his own things.
15 minutes later, he had collected $30,000.
And then cut us a check for half that, which was a complete surprise.
Behind the media star is a playful, super intelligent, and caring man.
On a personal level, he’s done right by me every time– making introductions, offering advice,
and going above and beyond to be someone who gives more than he takes.
There are a lot of haters and charlatans out there with their rented Lamborghinis and breathless promises.
If you’re not from America, you might find him loud– since personal branding is a very American thing, much like Las Vegas.
I’ve since seen hours of his videos where he’s helping agencies and businesses, one at a time, craft an offer and run a campaign on the spot to drive leads. He’s done hundreds of hours of this, all recorded, which he places in his membership site.
So he’s got the experience and cred, as I’ve seen the results first-hand.
I’m glad to know Billy Gene since he’s the real deal when it comes to selling, using video, crafting the right offer, driving leads, building relationships, and being a master delegator.
We all have a lot to learn from Billy Gene.
What do you think of Billy Gene? What’s something you’ve learned from him?