$68 for a jug of bleach at Walmart?
That’s ripping off desperate people– and it makes me mad.
But first– two minutes ago, a company with a stockpile of overpriced hand sanitizer messaged me, too. I get that it’s “just capitalism”.
Many friends of mine are quarantined– unable to work.
70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck– meaning that most of us can’t afford to pay rent at the end of this month.
Now is a great time to start a business, build your personal brand, learn how to do client consultations online, connect with customers, and teach what you know.
When the economy returns after 4-6 months, it always does– it will be stronger than ever.
Ryan Deiss, CEO of DigitalMarketer made such a great announcement this morning. And I’m inspired to do the same.
If you are wanting to start your digital marketing agency, grow your brand, or fix your digital marketing…
Send an email to operations@yourcontentfactory.com with LOVE IS KIND as the subject line– and tell me what your goal is.
I’ll give you access to any and all our courses for the next 30 days– no strings, no free trial, no credit card.