The time of day I post doesn’t matter.
I used to try to time my posts around 10 am and 5 pm because I heard that is what works best.
Same for the “optimal” length of posts, optimal number of hashtags, and whatnot.
I’ve been testing posting at all hours of the day and find that it doesn’t matter.
Why? Because my impetus for posting is when I think I have something truly useful to share, not because I’m trying to game the system, force one post a day (even if I have nothing to say), or make it all about me.
If you post mainly evergreen content, as opposed to expiring content (yesterday’s sports score), then quality is what matters in an increasingly competitive and crowded newsfeed.
Further, you would boost your winners and also cross-post to your LinkedIn, Facebook pages, and blog- so your best content can live forever.
I’m not even dependent upon organic reach anyway. But I do use it to gauge what our community thinks— to learn from it and make more of what people want.
Since you’re seeing this organically, notice how long ago I posted this. Was it a few minutes or even a few days ago?
Are you running your content strategy by gimmicks like time of day or by impact?