Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu

CEO | BlitzMetrics

I help successful founders scale what's already working via the Dollar-A-Day Strategy.

Dollar-A-Day Coaching Program

Learn and implement the dollar-a-day strategy and access weekly live coaching sessions with Dennis.

Content Engine Package

Amplify your reach across multiple social media channels, while simultaneously working to improve your organic ranking on Google.

Conversion Engine Package

The Conversion Engine is the Content Engine package plus conversion ads, reactivation campaigns, and light landing page optimization while applying the Dollar a Day method.

Does your site suck?

Have you seen YSlow? It is a Firefox plugin that extends Firebug’s functionality to show some interesting information, such as page load times, and the heaviest parts of the...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • January 3, 2009

Facebook for old people

For those who haven’t seen this before, a hilarious view of what Facebook might look like in 20 years.  But the real question is– what will we folks who...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • January 3, 2009

New Years resolutions that don’t fail– and your way out

How about making a resolution to not make any more resolutions? Seriously, when you example instances of when people fail versus succeed, a few key traits stand out. I’ll...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 31, 2008

The biggest Ponzi scheme ever!

There’s been recent debate from folks like Jim Cramer and Business Week on whether Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme. Of course, it is! You don’t have your own...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 29, 2008

Confessions of an Affiliate Marketer

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”4.16″ global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.16″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”]I have to admit– the restaurants, hotel suites,...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 27, 2008

Facebook’s monetization strategy

If Facebook were to charge their 50 million uniques just $2 a month for membership, they would instantly become a billion dollar business.  While you as a user might...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 26, 2008

Boulder Flatirons hike at Chautauqua Park

Just off Baseline road and Highway 36 is Chautauqua Park– only a few minutes from downtown Boulder.  I hiked it today, Christmas Day, going from the parking lot to...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 26, 2008

Google has 56% of the ad-serving market

A recent study of top ad serving platforms shows that Google holds the first two spots, via their acquisition of DoubleClick and their own AdSense platform.  Note that this...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 23, 2008

I am a sucker for FREE shipping

The joke we had when I worked at American Airlines is that it’s amazing how much money someone will pay for a free ticket.  They’ll even fly unnecessary segments...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 22, 2008

India conferences canceled, but Dennis Yu attends anyway!

But I am still going anyway.  The terrorists seek to stop business and tourism from transpiring.  Going to check out Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, and Chandigarh.  Will be back...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • December 1, 2008

Twitter skins for small business

Twitter allows you to create your own background image for your profile, so rather than have it be your latest vacation photos or some random screensaver image, why not...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • November 29, 2008

Google Online Marketing Challenge participants– how to allocate your time, what’s a good client

The dirty secret of PPC is that for every one unit of effort you spend in gathering keywords, you’d probably need to spend 5x that effort in ad copy...

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Posted By Dennis Yu
  • November 21, 2008

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