Dennis Yu


Guard your time jealously– it’s okay to charge for it.

Most of the popular speakers, bloggers, podcasters, and other public figures are nearly flat broke, even though they’re ranked #1 in various lists and have huge audiences. Why? Because they’ve focused on delivering amazing content (in itself not a bad thing), building their network (to bring on good guests to interview), and otherwise being busy […]

Guard your time jealously– it’s okay to charge for it. Read More »

What I’ve learned about entrepreneurship and getting stuff done

– 2 hours of learning followed by an hour of doing beats 3 hours of doing.– If you have to say you’re an influencer, successful, honest, or whatever– you’re probably not.– Things are never as bad, or as good, as they seem, at the moment– so slow down a bit.– Why do people buy? There’s

What I’ve learned about entrepreneurship and getting stuff done Read More »

Your time and knowledge are precious– spend it with those who appreciate it.

The paradox is that those who pay you the most have the least expectations and are the happiest. And those who complain the most are those who pay you the least. Thus, the “Top N Rule”— Take your top 3 (N can be whatever number) clients and overinvest in them, which yields you 3X growth

Your time and knowledge are precious– spend it with those who appreciate it. Read More »

When you are halfway down the runway and at 50% take-off speed, you must either accelerate full throttle or hit the brakes hard.

If you do either half-heartedly, slowly speed up, or gradually slow down, you will crash at the end of the runway. Startups and entrepreneurs are like planes taking off. Do your team members understand this dynamic and how it’s different from driving a bus cross-country? A plane can not only get there faster and safer

When you are halfway down the runway and at 50% take-off speed, you must either accelerate full throttle or hit the brakes hard. Read More »

This young man started his specialist qualification sequence at midnight.

And by 2 am, he already consumed the initial training and made his one-minute summary video. Impressive and of good quality. Most people procrastinate when they are given the opportunity for a variety of seemingly good reasons. Yet done is better than perfect. There is never a “perfect time”, so don’t wait on what matters

This young man started his specialist qualification sequence at midnight. Read More »

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