Dennis Yu

The Key To Powerful Marketing Is To Teach

Someone once asked me why would you ever tell clients how you do things. This was my response… Yes, this is the whole key to powerful marketing– to transparently teach what you do, which impresses clients and causes them even MORE, to want to work with us. Every client I’ve ever had in my career has been from this strategy– and every client has come to me— inbound, not me ever asking for the sale. Imagine what happens when you understand this one incredible concept. Think of how much waste is from cold-calling, trying to re-explain each time what you do, clients being confused about what you do or don’t do, and so forth. Once you absorb this concept, move to the LIGHTHOUSE model, which is to openly teach from a well-respected example. For example, I’m a LIGHTHOUSE in digital marketing, or our latest client is a well-known personal injury attorney, respected among personal injury attorneys. Then sales become easy– but more importantly, you can deliver solidly. Since you don’t have a clear process, clients like me have no idea what you do, so they have all sorts of expectations of what “editing a podcast” means. And though you might think a one-pager checklist or a few sentences is enough (and you should still have a one-pager), you’ll discover grief later. New agencies are afraid to teach what they know for many reasons: + We don’t want competitors to see how we do things. + Clients may want to do it themselves. + They believe clients don’t need to know or care about this. But then that’s why these agencies struggle so hard with generating clients consistently and can’t scale. People have no idea who you are, and you don’t have any authority. This could be a huge breakthrough realization for you.

The Key To Powerful Marketing Is To Teach Read More »

Train and Gain

Are you an expert at repeatedly doing something you’re willing to teach? If it’s a task that you believe can be reliably done by others on a repeating basis, then we’d like to put that task in our marketplace, linked to the related training. We have training on documenting the steps to do a task– which is simply a Zoom, Loom, or me interviewing you step-by-step. The marketplace is in private alpha but will open soon with the help of Warren Whitlock and other friends. Are you ready to share your knowledge, create jobs, and earn together?

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You have an obligation to society to teach from what you’ve done.

That means you can’t work more than 33% of your time, since you need equal time to learn and teach. Delegation to even the smartest VA won’t work unless you invest time to build the process, which is part of the 1/3 time you should be spent teaching. If you’re “too busy”, I challenge you to consider how much of what you’re currently doing is repetitive. I’ve learned how to do this from good friends like Jeff J Hunter and Zachary J. Babcock. Follow them to level up your delegation and to have a good laugh, too.

You have an obligation to society to teach from what you’ve done. Read More »

As busy as I am, I spend only 1/3rd of my time working.

That’s because I need to have 1/3rd of my time for learning and 1/3rd of my time for teaching. If you’re not actively learning, your skills and effectiveness go out of date– so you have to work TEN times harder to get the same result. And if you’re spending 1/3rd of your time teaching, you’re not able to delegate to others. Without training (live and documented processes), you’ll be stuck doing the same stuff yourself over and over.

As busy as I am, I spend only 1/3rd of my time working. Read More »

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