Dennis Yu

Why Most Young Adults Fail in Digital Marketing

Working With Young Adults

I fired someone whom I consider a good friend.

He has a lot of talent and does great work when he’s working.

Most people can’t handle the freedom that comes from working at home.

There are just too many good shows on Netflix that we need to watch.

It’s time to take the dogs out.

The girlfriend wants to go shopping– and you’re available, not doing anything, as far as they can tell.

Your bored friends text you, and you reply to them instantly since you don’t “need” to reply to clients or team members.

So many non-work things and distractions— that you promise you’ll put it off to tomorrow.

But then you decide you feel sick.

That other guy is making $10,000 a month and I’m making only $5,000 a month– so I’m going to work only “half” as hard.

After getting away with taking a few half days off, you realize you can start taking off full days at a time and not tell anyone.

But when clients call, you tell them that you’re traveling to visit family, in the shower, busy assembling that status report– or whatever reason sounds good to buy you more free time.

Almost zero work was done– the only communication being a flurry of emails late at night for an hour or two.

I’m on salary, so the less I work, the more I make– since the paycheck is still the same.

2 hours a day x 20 workdays a week = 45 hours a month.
That’s over $100 an hour– even better when I take off all Fridays and Mondays, too.

Sadly, months of this went on, and he promised to start working each time he was caught.

But he knows I have a soft heart and believed I would continue to let him get away with this, as he has done for the last 9 months.

LESSON: If you’re working with young adults (anyone under 30 years old or acting under 30), they must have strict shift schedules like in a real office.

Pay for them to go to a WeWork or other co-working space, so they don’t get distracted by the bored girlfriend constantly sending memes.

Require them to send an EOD (end of day) report, which takes only 5 minutes.

Initially pay them hourly, instead of salary, so they aren’t tempted to abuse the situation.

Then, as they prove they have discipline, they gradually take off the training wheels to earn these freedoms, instead of getting spoiled with entitlements.

From a young adult’s eyes, it’s easy to believe that folks like me fly around and enjoy nice meals with wealthy people, while they must do all the hard work.

You and I as business owners know what it is like to clean up messes, take care of clients, make sure we do what we promise, and pay the bills.

You also know how hard it is to fire people– especially if you like them.

Working in digital marketing provides the most amazing freedom, flexibility, and income when you have the discipline.

Would you agree?

Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu is a former search engine engineer who has spent a billion dollars on Google and Facebook ads for Nike, Quiznos, Ashley Furniture, Red Bull, State Farm, and other organizations that have many locations. He has achieved 25% of his goal of creating a million digital marketing jobs because of his partnership with universities, professional organizations, and agencies. Companies like GoDaddy, Fiverr,, 7 Figure Agency, and Vendasta partner with him to create training and certifications. Dennis created the Dollar a Day Strategy for local service businesses to enhance their existing local reputation and make the phone ring. He's coaching young adult agency owners who serve plumbers, AC technicians, landscapers, roofers, electricians in conjunction with leaders in these industries. Mr. Yu believes that there should be a standard in measuring local marketing efforts, much like doctors and plumbers need to be certified and licensed. His Content Factory training and dashboards are used by thousands of practitioners.

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