Dennis Yu

Your network does the net work

Networking is all about building relationships. If you have spent 10 years building a network and your friend has 15 years, now you have the power of 25 years of relationship building. Networking with podcasting Podcasting is the smartest networking hack. Hopping on to Zoom is a low-friction step toward meeting people in person and building partnerships. When they’re on your podcast, you naturally edify them and vice versa. That is the reason why you would not interview just an “okay” guest. Extend your network And when they share the honor of being on your podcast with their audience– building your authority far better than anything you could say about yourself. We don’t have much time these days and search for networking alternatives. No doubt podcasting is the easy way to get hundreds of interviews done quickly to extend your network. Your clients buy not only because of your expertise but also because of how deeply you care about them– bolstered by the people they see you surround yourself with them. Becoming well-known gives you an insurmountable advantage in client acquisition, partnerships, and team building. Your network does your network!

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I’m dumping webinars and podcasts to be on Clubhouse.

Aside from the “millionaires” helping millionaires, I see a lot of stage speakers dominating the rooms. COVID shut down the conference scene, so the authors, speakers, and coaches have flocked to Clubhouse. The snowball effect is that speakers invite other speakers they know to speak in their rooms, which they call stages. I know, since I’m in the digital marketing world– and I’m invited to speak in rooms on these topics. Perhaps I’m pulled in because I have 5,000 followers (not huge, but enough), which then brings more people into their room. And I do the same thing– inviting the big names up on stage when I see them pop into my rooms. Clubhouse forces business conversations since you can’t post memes. Yet some say the whole point seems to self-promote. This feels more comfortable to me than live-streaming since it’s not a “performance”. We don’t have to move as fast, have a fancy studio, or special effects.Just your voice and a phone– talking intimately with friends. “This is really podcasting 2.0– interactive podcasting,” says Larry Kim, CEO of Mobile Monkey, a messaging app. Do you see there is a shift to Clubhouse like we saw cannibalization when other platforms emerged? After all, the shift has to come from somewhere, since people have only so much time.

I’m dumping webinars and podcasts to be on Clubhouse. Read More »

Behind the scenes: Podcasts

Here is an inside look at the copy we typically use when someone asks us for me to be a guest speaker on their podcast. This will help you structure your podcast and be prepared. Offering up my Personal Brand Manager will assist with topics and questions, and give an extensive background to the interviewer. Make sure to read up on your guest as much as possible before any interview. We’re setting up everyone for success. “You have an interview with Dennis Yu coming up very soon and we want to make sure that everyone is as prepared as possible. First, if you could send us questions/topics that will be discussed to help prepare Dennis that would be very much appreciated. Second, here is Dennis’ bio: Dennis Yu is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Content Factory, a digital marketing company that partners with schools to train young adults. Dennis’s program centers around mentorship, helping students grow their expertise to manage social campaigns for enterprise clients like the Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone. He’s an internationally recognized lecturer in Facebook Marketing and has spoken in 17 countries, spanning 5 continents, including keynotes at L2E, Gultaggen, and Marketo Summit. Dennis has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, National Public Radio, TechCrunch, CNN, Fox News, and CBS Evening News. He’s a regular contributor to Adweek’s SocialTimes column and has published in Social Media Examiner, Social Media Club, Tweaks Your Biz, B2C, Social Fresh, and Heyo. He held leadership positions at Yahoo! and American Airlines and studied Finance and Economics at Southern Methodist University and the London School of Economics. He ran collegiate cross-country at SMU and has competed in over 20 marathons including a 70-mile ultramarathon. Besides being a Facebook data and ad geek, you can find him eating chicken wings or playing Ultimate Frisbee in a city near you. Third, Here is a copy of Dennis’ Personal Brand Manager, so you can get a sense of who Dennis has interviewed and the topics discussed.  If you have any further questions regarding the podcast interview, please don’t hesitate to ask. When you’re clear about the types of questions you’re going to ask, the cadence and length of the interview, and perhaps one or two questions that you’ll ask every guest, it helps you be more prepared and also gives your listeners an easier time because they’ll know what to expect. And make sure to record your interview so you can rewatch and take notes of yourself. There is always room to improve. Consider making some canned notes for your podcast and interviews in order to let your interviewees be as prepared as you are. Set yourself and others up for success.

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