Dennis Yu

How To Get Revenge On Your Haters (5 Things)

I want to talk about dealing with haters. And this is something that I think is a touchy topic. As human beings, we all experience these unpleasantries in one way or another. And, sometimes it is our own fault which causes these unpleasantries in life. We make mistakes. That is part of being human. It’s how we cope and deal with it that makes us different from other species on this planet. Check Out These 5 Things Our mind and body are connected with each other. Remember, when you get angry at something, your body reacts because of the stress. Once you set your path to be a vengeful person, the mind can come up with great but terrible ideas that not only will get you into trouble but also the people around you. Instead of doing something unpleasant which we know can take up all your energy, time, and money, divert that creativity and make a profit out of it. You can even learn how to grow an audience from your haters and supporters alike. Imagine that you’re in the backyard and your neighbor suddenly comes up to you and says, “I swear I didn’t touch your lawnmower”. And you are looking at them with total confusion, and then you replied, “What are you talking about? I thought I was the one who was stealing your newspapers.“ Since they’ve already done something and now they are attacking you for it because no one wants to feel that they’re a bad person. Using humor is a good way to diffuse potentially violent confrontations. But going overboard by being sarcastic can be offensive to others when they misunderstood what you are trying to convey. Use it wisely and sparingly. Unless you’re a stand-up comedian or witty enough to make your haters laugh and adore you. When people do atrocious things– no one wants to say, “I’m unethical. I’m a thief. I stole all your stuff. I stole all the equipment in your video studio. I’m a bad person, but I got away with it.” (Said, no one EVER). They’re not going to say that.  But it’s totally okay for them to take the equipment because they thought that by reducing you down to a less than a human then it will just be alright to take stuff from you. By the way, this happened to me in my own company. Worst of all it was my personally appointed CEO who did these atrocious things. In spite of all the things that they throw at me. I still sleep heavily at night. Snoring loudly as ever. Compare that to a person who plots and schemes his way through life. Instead of fighting fire with fire, you can try roasting marshmallows and sharing them. Buy them something nice. Nobody can resist free things. This is something my pastor told me years ago, his name is Byron McDonald. He was the senior pastor at Rolling Hills Covenant Church. And he said that when people attack for no apparent reason, you look beyond the aggression and you will see that they’re in pain. Look at someone for example, who has an injury, right? Maybe they’re debilitated and sitting in a wheelchair and missing out on things, then you look at them and you’re not going to get mad. Pitying them is out of the question. You have to understand that just because someone has an emotional injury, it’s every bit real as a physical injury. A hater is someone who looks at you with disdain and they don’t even know why. When you do things that make you happy, your haters are there to remind you that they aren’t. Dragging you down, hoping that in their mind you will be the same as them. A mediocre. So, don’t throw in the towel just yet. Think about the reason why you started with that crazy idea that put you in the online marketing business, video game streaming industry, food business, and healthy lifestyle choices, which by the way is harder than it looks. On the other hand, it is easier for critics to say harsh words when they don’t have any idea how things work. Just remember that with every resistance that you encounter, there is always support when you’re too overwhelmed and helpless.

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How Clubhouse Analytics apps get their data

I just talked to a dev/growth hacker about this. Here’s how it works: 1) Devs found the API calls Clubhouse made, they’re pretty well known, and there are wrappers like… for Python. 2) Once you register an acc via a phone, you no longer need that phone. You get a session and device ID you can re-use, and so 2 values. 3) You can get a bunch of phone number verification codes for as low as $0.1 (and cheaper in Bulk) from sites like smspva[dot]com. 4) So they (most likely) registered a bunch of accounts so they don’t get rate-limited. They prob have thousands. They (most probably) use 4G proxies (air socks, etc) where you get a pool of thousands of IP addresses. 5) And they use the non-official API which is well-known to communicate with the clubhouse and pull out data so yeah, multiple access (obtained in a smart way so there’s not a pattern in them), multiple phone #s (cheap), multiple proxies (not expensive), and boom you have club hub.

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How I Grew From 0 to 11,700 Followers on Clubhouse in A Month

This is the easiest way to get new followers on Clubhouse, and I just found this out from Gary Henderson. You can see I’ve got 11,700 followers here and 2,100 that I’m following. I hear the max is 2,500. If you look at my followers and these most recent ones that have just followed me in the last hour, some people have no followers at all but this follower has 58. That means he just joined. If I click on the 58, you can see he’s following all these people that were suggested to him. When you follow somebody, it suggests other people that are like the person who nominated you that is like that person you’re clicking on. So a lot of these are people that I already follow, who follow me. That means I’m getting into that suggested user list for these new users. You’ll see a ton of overlap. For example, there’s Gary Henderson who’s a 35,000 here. If you look at his brand-new followers, you’ll see the same kind of thing. Like this person, who has 5 followers and 223 followings. You’ll see that a lot of their following are the same. You see names like JT Foxx, Michael Lane, and Grant Cardone. I think that’s the part of the algorithm that people don’t understand.To grow your follower count – which is what you want – you need to get into that suggested user list. It’s a bit of a grind because you have to show that you are someone who’s interested in the rooms that you have for when you speak. It’s not just that you have a lot of followers and people are coming in for your room because of that, or that you’re even bringing in other people into your room. This is something I learned from Gary Henderson. The diversity of the people that come to your events is so key. I have this event upcoming for me later today – Secrets of Business Growth. It’s with Larry Kim. He and I have quite a bit of overlap in our user base, so it’s not going to generate a lot of new notifications. But when we have someone like Gary who has 35000…5% of them might be online at any one time, and maybe 40% of those are going to be relatively new. Then that would bring us 170 or so potential new people into our room. We just had a room a little earlier today with 402 people in the room. And that’s because as people came in, they didn’t leave. They kept accumulating and it was neat. You’re not supposed to record on Clubhouse, so I took some screenshots along the way. The room started with just a couple of people. I started the room with 7.1k followers. I don’t want you to think this is only about getting followers, but it’s a good way to think about kind of the dynamics of how you do it. It’s not Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. I started the room, and literally within two minutes, we had 120 people in the room and it just kept going up. It went up to 240 within three minutes. My friend Brennan was speaking. I love taking pictures of my friends when they’re speaking, and then I tag them on Twitter saying, “Hey, it’s so awesome that you’re speaking.” There are so many people coming in, and then there’s Shawn Dill, who’s speaking. His audience is coming through, too. I think he has only a thousand, but it’s chiropractors – and those are a lot of folks we have as clients, so I really like that. We went up to 507, then 306, and then Gary Henderson comes into the room. He leaves. But I invited a bunch of folks to speak. As you invite people to speak, that notifies their audience.- so I think it’s good to have a trickle of people that are speaking. If you don’t have new speakers, it’s not going to bring more people into the room. I kinda got addicted because I wanted to see what happened. We fell from 518 to 380. We didn’t keep as many people, but then it was getting later into the evening. This room went for two and a half hours. 377 people followed me. I went to another room just to see what was going on. I wasn’t the one who even started it- it was Connor who started it, and then he bailed on the room for some reason. As you pull down to refresh, I got into the second spot. Then I got into the first spot, which is weird for this particular room. So then it was my room. I made some of these other people moderators, and then I left the room. So I think this room is actually still going. You never want to just leave a room, because then it becomes unmoderated – but that was interesting to see what happened. I hope you found this behind-the-scenes tour interesting of someone like me, who’s actually learning Clubhouse, and I hope it helps you grow.

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I’m dumping webinars and podcasts to be on Clubhouse.

Aside from the “millionaires” helping millionaires, I see a lot of stage speakers dominating the rooms. COVID shut down the conference scene, so the authors, speakers, and coaches have flocked to Clubhouse. The snowball effect is that speakers invite other speakers they know to speak in their rooms, which they call stages. I know, since I’m in the digital marketing world– and I’m invited to speak in rooms on these topics. Perhaps I’m pulled in because I have 5,000 followers (not huge, but enough), which then brings more people into their room. And I do the same thing– inviting the big names up on stage when I see them pop into my rooms. Clubhouse forces business conversations since you can’t post memes. Yet some say the whole point seems to self-promote. This feels more comfortable to me than live-streaming since it’s not a “performance”. We don’t have to move as fast, have a fancy studio, or special effects.Just your voice and a phone– talking intimately with friends. “This is really podcasting 2.0– interactive podcasting,” says Larry Kim, CEO of Mobile Monkey, a messaging app. Do you see there is a shift to Clubhouse like we saw cannibalization when other platforms emerged? After all, the shift has to come from somewhere, since people have only so much time.

I’m dumping webinars and podcasts to be on Clubhouse. Read More »

Grab your .club domain name before someone else does.

Go grab your domain name before someone else does. I just bought and so I can reference it in my Clubhouse bio and mention it live. I was invited to a room by Jo Verdu, who is a massively successful domainer, who explained this to me… Clubhouse is taking off, so the .club domains are super valuable digital real estate. He brokered a million dollars in .club domains in the last 24 hours– around cannabis. In some ways, the .club domain will be more powerful and easier to acquire than a premium domain. I’m sad that someone else snapped up dennisyu. club– so get yours now before you have to pay through the nose for someone who squats on your name. Grab your friends’ names and business names. GoDaddy is selling .club domains for 99 cents right now. George Verdugo just mentioned me in this Clubhouse room just now, talking about our 3-day mastermind he attended. So I decided to offer that training to anyone who messages with “I LOVE GEORGE VERDUGO” as the subject line. All I did was share what George told me (I’m not a domain expert). He was kind to me and I paid it forward, which is the heart that drives Clubhouse.

Grab your .club domain name before someone else does. Read More »

You might have a domain addiction– having a .club domain doesn’t mean you have a business.

Here’s the biggest problem with domainers – they go crazy and buy all the domains.  You can buy all kinds of .com domains or .club domains, to reserve or build-out.   The big issue is this: just because you have a domain doesn’t mean that you have a business.  We have to put a national business behind it or tie it to an existing business. What you’re doing when you hold a Clubhouse room – as Dr. Chris Colgin from San Mateo, CA did a week ago, talking about how chiropractors can integrate ChiroThin – is creating content. From there, it’s fantastic to cross-post and repurpose into your .club domain, because the .club domain should be the interactive community companion to the live Clubhouse conversations that are in the rooms, which eventually leads to a club that you built when you apply for a club. What most people are missing is that you can buy the name. You heard about the domain .club yesterday – how some of these folks were early, and they bought thousands of domains and turned around and sold them for a few hundred dollars each. They have different tools to put up landing pages and just sell them, and that’s great.  Mostly, domainers make money by squatting on the value of a high-level name. Someone mentioned that they had, but they also had  Because of COVID, became very valuable as an e-comm play.  Of course, the .club domain is valuable, but it’s going to cost much less than the premium domain – maybe 1/10th or even 1% of the cost. If it’s a premium domain worth a hundred thousand dollars, you might be able to get the .club for a thousand and build it up in referrals, community, conversational, mid-funnel plays that can refer to the .com or do anything to the .com, or to your practice, for example. That’s to build a network.  Anyone who’s doing a Clubhouse should be constantly referring people to the .club because, otherwise, there are only two other ways to get people anywhere. One is a link in their bio, which works on either Twitter or Instagram. They don’t allow that.  They don’t allow linking. And the second thing is the live mention. You saw that I did a live mention, which got us a hundred or 200 people. We just got flooded with all these people.  Notice it wasn’t a landing page, though – it tells people to put it in an email.  Or we could mention the .club.  The meaning of the .club is it’s also basically a vanity URL.  You could say Dr. Chris holds it – go visit me at So why would I do a .club?  Because the .club is meant to be the Clubhouse version of it.  Instead of, it’s just easier to use a vanity domain.   It’s the same thing you use with TV and radio, where you have a domain that is a tracking domain or a landing page for a particular offer or particular community.  Chiropractors build communities, and that’s how they bridge value out of Clubhouse. It’s one thing to be on Clubhouse, and make connections and say, “Oh, look, there’s Shawn Dill, and we’re talking live.” But if you want to drive measurable value, a .club companion is the thing to really monetize and collect community.  Live networking is great, but you can make a clear case because you have the community already. You are driving sales, you can ask them to show ROI in a .club, which no one’s ever done yet on Clubhouse. It’s the equivalent of the .com land grab 25 years ago or 30 years ago. Remember, these guys are saying the .club is bigger than the .com trap. I don’t think so, but I could be wrong – I still think it’s valuable because they don’t want to have to dump.  Let’s have something – even if we just have a nothing page right now, and all of a sudden it’s worth something, and it’s nice. It can be indexed by the search engine. It doesn’t mean there’s a lot of content. At least we have something there that at least starts the clock on Google.   Google basically penalizes brand-new websites. A lot of people will say that there’s the sandbox penalty, meaning they’re put in a sandbox for a certain amount of time because we don’t know if it’d be spammy or whatnot. The point is, if you’re a new site, you do have some sort of penalty attached to you. So by having this idea that, “Oh, there’s actually something here. We used to start the clock, this domain in a completely brand new suite. If you sit on it for six months, at least you can say, okay, this site at least started six months ago.” I think of it more as real estate. Imagine that you were in San Diego before it became San Diego, and it was just farmland. You wanted to buy all of this farm, then you get the department for cheap, but then 40 or 50 years later, all of a sudden they’re going to put a shopping mall and buildings.  That real estate becomes more valuable later – which is the whole point behind this.  That’s what domainers do. They buy all the real estate believing that it might be valuable. One day, it’s turning around, and other people would say we can monetize it because we can put a big sell on the .club, but then both of those guys are wrong – because the short-term people are going to treat the .club like a .com.  Why would you have two competing, conflicting properties?  There needs to be something different about the .club – it’s not just about doing all the .club stuff, because it’s the hot new thing, and you need to grab your name, or otherwise someone’s going to grab your name, so it’s an insurance-protected

You might have a domain addiction– having a .club domain doesn’t mean you have a business. Read More »

I got attacked yesterday in my Clubhouse room– our culture is shifting.

I got attacked yesterday in my Clubhouse room. She was well-meaning, wanting to use Clubhouse to grow her personal brand– to speak as often as possible in front of as many people as possible. After a few minutes of monologuing, we realized she didn’t have a question and just wanted to speak. She still kept on going– while others patiently waited to ask their question and get help from our panelists. For those who are not on Clubhouse, it’s a platform that has been taken over by people talking about how to become a millionaire and similar folks who really want to be public speakers. The other 99% of the million people on Clubhouse use it like a radio call-in show- to be entertained and educated, mainly to listen and sometimes to ask a question. There are many “rooms” in the Clubhouse, which you can think of as temporary channels to discuss a particular topic. Mark Wagner and I chose “How to hire digital marketers” and invited a couple of other moderators who have hired hundreds of digital marketers to be on the panel. This lady– I’ll not mention her name to protect the guilty– after being able to sneak in a monologue, somehow managed to sneak in to speak again– this time with a lengthy tirade about women’s rights and how Clubhouse is male-dominated chauvinism. I’m sad. Fortunately, Kristen Ruby jumped in to defend me– plus some other ladies who told her that she was holding the whole room hostage. Eventually, we were able to get to her leave the stage by choice, instead of having to kick her out, as she mentioned had happened to her on other stages she came to speak. She was like the Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol– no doubt wanting to be visible and speak her mind. I thought it was interesting that her rationalization for holding us hostage was that she had to “stand up for herself”. The seed that grew social media is also the seed of destruction– that it’s a platform where everyone has a right to speak, but not a right to be heard. Bill Gates talked about this in his book “The Road Ahead”, where the internet is like an auditorium where everyone is quietly talking. Most people have their volume knobs set at 1 to 2 on a 100-point scale. But some people will crank up their speaker to 100, drowning out everyone else. The larger the room, the greater the possible damage from these well-meaning folks who are forcing themselves upon us. Maybe as an “influencer”, they feel it’s their duty to fight the man and right the very real discrimination out there. But could you imagine having dinner with friends at a restaurant and then a crazy-eyed stranger comes up to take over your conversation? I predict that Clubhouse will devolve from an amazing place to make connections into attention-seeking maniacs storming the Capitol to speak their minds. Certainly, you can choose who you follow (which drives the “newsfeed” of the rooms you see). Remember how the popular internet forums of years ago died because the conversations would descend into name-calling? The next phase of the internet is going to be characterized by this new wave of a vigilante who feels wronged and needs an outlet to express their struggle. I don’t see this as a Facebook, Twitter, or Clubhouse thing– but a culture shift for the planet, led by the United States.

I got attacked yesterday in my Clubhouse room– our culture is shifting. Read More »

Clubhouse, Where You Can Share a Room With Your Favorite Entrepreneurs

The following is a guest post by Marie Young from Basking Ridge, NJ. I’m in Clubhouse right now on Social Media Ads for Agents with Dennis Yu, Jason Pantana, and some really wonderful experts on the subject of not only how to do it, but how to do it the right way. Clubhouse reminds of my days at NYU where, one day, the teacher would send in a substitute and it turned out to be the CEO of a major bank.  Tonight was a real pleasure, as well as an eye-opener.  My takeaway is to get ahead of the game and use Google once again.  Interestingly, as Jason told us to use Google Ads back in October, I logged into my old account to see that, back in 2008, I had 11 million impressions for $73.  Tonight, Dennis Yu took us to another level — Google My Business, and I’m spending Saturday night immersing myself.  The SEO ideas are fantastic, and the tools to make sure what you’re doing isn’t just fun, but there’s an ROI.  It has me eager to post and see the results.   I just completed the first of many display ads in a long long time. Spent $201.91, had 445,725 impressions, and 168 clicks.  Now the work begins for even more conversions. The tips and tricks to see what Google searches are made, how my business fits in, how much is cached in Google, and the balance of SEO vs ads depending on the market, is a major help.   Benevolent promotions, and balancing not only video vs. photos but now, Facebook vs. Google, is key.  With Apple’s new iOS update, Google may play an even more important role. I’m going to visit as soon as the call is over.  If you want to be ahead of the competition, I highly recommend both Tom Ferry Coaching, of which I am a member, and now, BlitzMetrics.   And if you aren’t on Clubhouse, get on it.  It’s worth the logon – there are the gods of just about every area worth exploring, and you can share a room with them!

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My first day on Clubhouse– how I got 650 new followers

This morning, I hopped into a Clubhouse room and 350 people followed me. So then I opened up my first room this afternoon and got another 300 followers. It’s not the number of followers, but the quality of the folks and the depth of the conversation. During the first few minutes when I opened the room, it was just me sitting there by myself. I was going to just “leave quietly” in failure. But then folks like Tristan Parmley, Chris Collins and Keith Brassfield joined in. And the top folks in digital hopped into our room, causing the live users to hit nearly 200. I finally ended the room FOUR hours later, having eaten up my entire evening. But the conversation was so good, I just couldn’t leave. I’m now mainlining the heroin that is Clubhouse. I’ve got projects to work on, places to be, sleep to catch, and a life to live— just like you. And just after I exited the room, Michael Stelzner (the godfather in social media marketing) called me up and gave me coaching on how to run maximize my impact on Clubhouse. My mistakes: But overall, a great experience for my first time hosting a room. Folks who were there— what did you think? And if you weren’t there, it’s time to drink some Kool-Aid or snort some crack— whatever your favorite analogy. The fastest way to grow your network on Clubhouse is to be a speaker in a large room. The second best is to follow speakers live while you’re in a room. This includes looking at their Twitter and Instagram in their bios and following them there if you find them interesting. Balance learning and giving— it’s not one-way speaking, but two-way conversations. It’s not about more followers on social, but deepening a few key relationships. So ironically, by being better known, as Michael Stelzner teaches in his amazing course, your relationships deepen and business actions become more effective. I’m here on Clubhouse for FOMO— since most of my peers are raving about it. Yet I struggle with time management among other priorities. What you get out of Clubhouse or any social network is mainly dependent upon who you follow and the quality of the nuggets you put out. You do need to have an iPhone (not on Android yet). And the social network is invite-only, so ping a friend who is talking about it so they can invite you. You have to be in their address book for them to show up. Here’s a live snapshot of my notifications:

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