Dennis Yu


Warning: We Immediately Reject VA Applicants Who Make These 3 Mistakes

The journey to getting a $2,000 a month job and beyond is not a single step. You must diligently put in the time to learn communication skills, technical skills, and build connections. Once you have these 3 components solidly– to be qualified enough to work with the clients who expect excellence– then and only then can you begin

Warning: We Immediately Reject VA Applicants Who Make These 3 Mistakes Read More »

The difference between courses and programs is commitment.

Anyone can buy or sell a course— an info-product that’s a self-serve experience, not much different than producing a record for sale that potentially millions of people can consume. The success rate on books, courses, and other formats is single digits– as few even complete the training– and then a fraction of these folks do the exercises

The difference between courses and programs is commitment. Read More »

Come join us!

A whopping 80% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Even 25% of folks making over $150,000 a year live paycheck-to-paycheck. Those stats were from last year, before COVID-19, so imagine what they are now. If you want to make a little extra money to pay the bills or go all-in as an entrepreneur, consider helping struggling local

Come join us! Read More »

Why you need a good mentor to succeed, and how to get one

Do you feel as though you’re working tirelessly with little to no progress being made? You want to succeed so badly, but it’s very difficult if you’re relying upon your own knowledge and your own network. Luckily, there’s another person who wants to see you succeed, and who can help you grow and realize more

Why you need a good mentor to succeed, and how to get one Read More »

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