So my buddy, Marko Sipila approached me and said, that service-based businesses should own their marketing. And I said that’s crazy. I don’t want to have to learn how to do digital marketing and all this complex SEO, WordPress, Facebook ads, and stuff like that.
But then consider this, would you pay $3, 000 a month to rent a car that you could buy for $20, 000?
And what if that mechanic maybe wasn’t so crooked and was trying to show you what it takes to fix the car, to maintain your car, that once you buy the car all you have to do is do an oil change every here and there as long as it’s a good quality car.
Wouldn’t that change things?
And what if someone created a guide on how you could own your marketing so that instead of that crooked used car salesperson telling you what you need or how it’s so complicated and you would never want to touch anything with the engine and all that?
That’s a used car salesperson. They don’t even know how to work on the car themselves anyway.
He’s just a salesperson in the front trying to say whatever. To confuse you so that you’ll continue to pay $3, 000 a month for a car that he bought from someone else that he doesn’t even know anything about and there are mechanics in the back that maybe he outsources the stuff to.
You realize that a car salesperson doesn’t know more about cars than you do.
So now I believe with accountability, we should all be able to own our own marketing. And the first step is having control of your assets. For example, having control of your ad accounts and so on.