Dennis Yu
CEO | BlitzMetrics
I help successful founders scale what's already working via the Dollar-A-Day Strategy.
Dollar-A-Day Coaching Program
Learn and implement the dollar-a-day strategy and access weekly live coaching sessions with Dennis.
Content Engine Package
Amplify your reach across multiple social media channels, while simultaneously working to improve your organic ranking on Google.
Conversion Engine Package
The Conversion Engine is the Content Engine package plus conversion ads, reactivation campaigns, and light landing page optimization while applying the Dollar a Day method.
Want to make a lot of money?
Make the greatest impact you can for others so they can tear a corner of the dollar for you. Don’t talk about your success or make it about you-...
Read More- April 18, 2020
Your time and knowledge are precious– spend it with those who appreciate it.
The paradox is that those who pay you the most have the least expectations and are the happiest. And those who complain the most are those who pay you...
Read More- April 18, 2020
Waterfalls, glaciers, and volcanos- are beautiful when you’re safe.
But they were deadly for expeditions back in the old days. The same is true for technology- wonderful for those who have mastery and deadly for the novice. Increasingly,...
Read More- April 18, 2020
If you are an SEO, can I say that I’m a PPC?
If you are an MBA, then can I call any degree or skill I have my identity? What you have and who you are aren’t necessarily the same thing....
Read More- April 18, 2020
When you are halfway down the runway and at 50% take-off speed, you must either accelerate full throttle or hit the brakes hard.
If you do either half-heartedly, slowly speed up, or gradually slow down, you will crash at the end of the runway. Startups and entrepreneurs are like planes taking off....
Read More- April 18, 2020
Let Facebook do the work for you– such as running split tests on your ads.
Read More- April 17, 2020
Would you rather have happiness or would you rather have joy? And do you know the difference?
*** Happiness is like eating ice cream– creating temporary, superficial pleasure.*** Joy is long-lasting, and deeply meaningful. You can have joy even while being unhappy, and vice-versa. Caring for...
Read More- April 17, 2020
If your ad is doing well, how will you know its performance will decline?
Look at the frequency. If it’s under 1.2, then you know you have plenty of room before burning out meaning that you have a small budget relative to the...
Read More- April 17, 2020
If you get at least 10% of people liking your post, then you have a winner– boost it.
With 3,000 reached, we’d want to see at least 300 people liking it. The link clicks are bonus engagement– called “consumptions” because they aren’t public. LCS (likes, comments, and...
Read More- April 17, 2020
Stay the course.
Success is not about a moment of inspiration, but about the steady pursuit of a goal worthy of your long-term effort. For those who struggle or don’t find immediate...
Read More- April 17, 2020
Don’t ever say you were BUSY if you kept ignoring messages.
Executives know that BUSY is a polite word for “low priority”. You weren’t too busy to go to the hospital if you were ill, too busy bingeing on Netflix,...
Read More- April 17, 2020
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Ready to Level Up Your Marketing Game?
Register today for the Dollar-A-Day Coaching Program and accelerate your growth journey!