Dennis Yu


The amateur digital marketers focus on targeting, while the pros focus on content.

Amateurs focus on bidding and budgets, while pros focus on strategy– their #GCT alignment (goals, content, targeting). Amateurs like to constantly “turn the knobs” and touch their campaigns every day– which keeps resetting their ad rank. Amateurs create lots and lots of new ads and are posting content regularly in a “content calendar”, while pros have just

The amateur digital marketers focus on targeting, while the pros focus on content. Read More »

Pro-tip for getting the most out of your people, if you are a team lead or managing others…

Allow only ONE item to be a high priority at any point in time. Otherwise, that person will be confused. Other team members may, out of eagerness, declare something high priority for one of your star performers, overriding what you as the leader have said is the true high priority. They won’t realize that they’re

Pro-tip for getting the most out of your people, if you are a team lead or managing others… Read More »

The most generous thing anyone can do is give you their TIME.

Not their money, things, knowledge, or connections, since these are all replenishable. When someone gives you their time, treat it with the utmost of respect, since it means they care. Relationships of all types are built upon the sharing of units of time together. A meal together, a nudge via email, a message via Facebook—

The most generous thing anyone can do is give you their TIME. Read More »

Being rich or being smart is not in the top 5 most important traits to run a successful business.

Here are my top 5, in order:1) Being willing to do anything for your people.2) Have gratitude to those who help you.3) Knowing how to build and organize teams.4) Having expert communication skills.5) Building depth in just one area of expertise, so you can have access to others via the other 4 tips. When you

Being rich or being smart is not in the top 5 most important traits to run a successful business. Read More »

Someone who I respect attacked me on Facebook and this deeply hurt me.

This gentleman claims I’m exploiting 3rd world labor– getting on his moral high horse to publicly deride me without taking time to understand our program. Our virtual assistants start at $3/hour and move up based on skill. That is a good wage in the Philippines for a digital marketer– one that provides respect and feeds

Someone who I respect attacked me on Facebook and this deeply hurt me. Read More »

I have boatloads of Facebook strategy and training guides to give you for free.

No catch and no need to give us your email address. Just grab whatever you want. Go to Why do this? We are building relationships, which start from sharing expertise freely. Later you will buy EXPRESS packages, based on these exact same checklists, to create employment for the young adults in our program. From experience,

I have boatloads of Facebook strategy and training guides to give you for free. Read More »

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