Dennis Yu

Follow the data

Not only is boosting posts my favorite thing to do on Facebook, but I like to boost lots and lots of videos following the “dollar a day” technique to filter for the winners. I fully expect 95% of my boosts to fail– to get rejected, have a low average view length (should be above 15 seconds), have a high cost per view (should be 3 cents or less), not convert as custom audiences (use 10 second view, not default 3 second view definition), and so forth. But the one winner we pour increasing amounts of budget on to more than make up for the losers. I used to think I was a “pro” and could tell what content would resonate and convert best. I’ve since learned to spend $10 per post and let the data tell me. I’m usually COMPLETELY wrong.

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Let the data guide you

Some random tweet of mine got 2,900 likes and 800 retweets. I could never have guessed it– it was nothing special. But that’s why you let the data guide your decision-making– not your own biased opinions. I’ve learned over the years that I’m a lousy winner-picker. So I let the algorithm do the work for me– to find the needle in a haystack. And I put more dollars and effort into what generates traction. I’ve made thousands of pieces of content, which is “many shots on goal”. And even though only 1 in 10 pieces of content does decently, that’s more than enough– since I can boost it, cross-post it to another social network, convert to a blog post, repurpose it into an email, make a one-minute video about it, and so forth. How about you?

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