Dennis Yu


I believe teaching is the highest professional responsibility we can have.

Even if you are not a Karen Freberg, you can still teach others from right where you are, to lift where you stand. Formal educators must work with private sector professionals like us to bridge the training gap that students face when they graduate- so we can help them get great jobs and be awesome employees […]

I believe teaching is the highest professional responsibility we can have. Read More »

Want a simple way to tell who is running a successful agency versus pretending?

Anyone who is only talking about how to acquire customers doesn’t understand that it’s 10 times harder to KEEP customers. Selling is easy– to get someone to trust you for a couple of months– but keeping clients requires that you deliver results, which requires rock-solid processes. If you don’t hear about their challenges in optimizing

Want a simple way to tell who is running a successful agency versus pretending? Read More »

Golf, like business, is a game of mistake management.

You’re not going for perfection, but the avoidance of catastrophe. Most success coaches and “influencers” bask in the moment of that one amazing shot, instead of continuing to make progress daily. My billionaire friends tell me it takes 10+ years of steady hard work to reach success. Look not for people who have an isolated

Golf, like business, is a game of mistake management. Read More »

The #1 productivity tip of the most successful people I know is that they manage interruptions.

When you allow people to interrupt you, they are controlling your time and priorities. Respond to true emergencies, which must be urgent and important. 99% of the interruptions you have are not important— they can wait and can go through email. Could you imagine if anytime someone had a random question or non-life threatening situation

The #1 productivity tip of the most successful people I know is that they manage interruptions. Read More »

Working part-time when you’re brand new in a competitive field is like trying to take off on just one engine.

Or playing basketball with just one hand in the NBA. You’re not going to be a pro-level digital marketer without making the commitment. Some people make the fatal mistake of thinking that working multiple jobs is somehow “safer”, as if stock market portfolio theory applies to work. One is a passive investment, where you hedge

Working part-time when you’re brand new in a competitive field is like trying to take off on just one engine. Read More »

I decided that I want to make a TON of $$$ and that there’s nothing wrong with that.

For Content Factory to make the impact we want on the education system and the lives of young adults, we have to be able to write checks to fund our initiatives. We are a FOR PURPOSE business, not a non-profit– because we integrate our mission directly into our company operations. A for-profit business donates from

I decided that I want to make a TON of $$$ and that there’s nothing wrong with that. Read More »

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