Dennis Yu

Growth Mindset

Open your heart to feel the suffering of others, to even wish that it be brought upon you instead.

Care so deeply that you’d do anything for them, short of compromising your integrity. And you will have the mission mindset of the servant leader who changes this planet. More powerful than any marketing gimmick or advertising slogan. If you truly care, with a heart that breaks for others, it doesn’t matter how shy you

Open your heart to feel the suffering of others, to even wish that it be brought upon you instead. Read More »

Make relationship decisions, business and personal, based on your long-term objectives.

A potential business partner just revealed himself this morning by not wanting to make plans beyond the next 30 days. If it’s a girl you’ve not gotten to know well or if it’s merely transactional in nature, like those rent-by-the-hour motels, then make sure she knows that’s how you see it and your intent. I’m

Make relationship decisions, business and personal, based on your long-term objectives. Read More »

Want a simple way to tell who is running a successful agency versus pretending?

Anyone who is only talking about how to acquire customers doesn’t understand that it’s 10 times harder to KEEP customers. Selling is easy– to get someone to trust you for a couple of months– but keeping clients requires that you deliver results, which requires rock-solid processes. If you don’t hear about their challenges in optimizing

Want a simple way to tell who is running a successful agency versus pretending? Read More »

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