Dennis Yu

Love is spelled T I M E

Wherever you spend your time reveals what you love. Are you wasting time on frivolous activities while ignoring loved ones? Are you overworked and overwhelmed— being out of time? Then you’re allocating your time wrong by spreading your love too thin. It’s not only okay to say NO, but you must say NO often so that you can say YES to those people and activities you love. You’re not being rude. I hope this realization creates shocking change, as it has for me.

Love is spelled T I M E Read More »

Question for you guys

These past few months have been wild! If you had asked me on March 1st how I would cope with being on lockdown, I would have laughed in your face. And yet, here we are. We’ve had some time to process, reflect, and hopefully begin emerging on the other side of this crisis, so I thought I’d crowdsource our new collective knowledge. The response was overwhelming! I’ve posted the most creative and thoughtful replies here. Please add to the list! Hit me up in the comments. How do you not get stressed out being on lockdown? I think the answer here is that there is no one answer. If it feels good, and it doesn’t hurt anyone else, then embrace it. We’ll get through this, #TogetherApart . I want to read your comments! What are you doing to get through this crazy time?

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I quit

It’s just too much for me, the failure and pain. I quit procrastinating since I’m only busier tomorrow– I trounce fear head-on, doing that thing I’m avoiding immediately. I quit listening to people who give me unqualified advice since everyone has an opinion– but only those who have actually done X are qualified to advise me on how to do X. I quit thinking that I’m not worthy of good things happening to me since there is more than enough for everyone– my abundance mindset is what will attract goodness to me. I quit wasting my time since I value it dearly with learning and earning– I respect myself by imagining I’m a younger version of one of my mentors. I quit believing I’m destined for failure and have innate flaws– instead reframing my mistakes with “in the past, I used to… but now I ….” What are you quitting?

I quit Read More »

20 years ago, I ran D1 track and cross country– and told Coach I wanted to quit.

But first, this is me towards the end of the 3,000-meter steeplechase, after leaping over the water barrier. We sometimes ran over 100 miles a week, two runs a day starting at 5 am, plus weight training. Getting up when it’s dark outside, when you’re exhausted, to run 5 miles in 25 minutes will teach you endurance– to push through what you don’t think is possible. The top guys on the team were from Africa– how could I possibly compete, I thought. I was taking 21 hours while also working out and tutoring math, so my grades were suffering freshman year. I told Coach that I had to quit the track team to focus on school. If I didn’t keep a 3.7 GPA, I’d lose my full-ride, academic scholarship. But he told me that focus was what I was missing– that I had plenty of time I was wasting. Did I watch TV, play video games, hang around to chit-chat at dinner, hit the snooze button in the morning, surf pointless sites on the Internet, go out to drink, or anything like that? We all have plenty of time we can use when we are in focus mode– without cutting sleep. So I stayed on the team. And went on to have the best athletic performance of my life, plus get nearly a 4.0 my sophomore year. This is not about “hustle”, cutting sleep, or having fake optimism. Focus– cut out those wasted moments.

20 years ago, I ran D1 track and cross country– and told Coach I wanted to quit. Read More »

If you find yourself unhappy, ask yourself…

Are you making excuses or are you making progress? Are you blaming others (diminishing your power) or are you being accountable (taking charge)? You can make a million dollars or make a million excuses– but not both. My mentors taught me that success is a 50% mindset. And when you are super choosy about who you associate with, you dramatically affect your mindset. Whoever you are around WILL rub off on you (good or bad)– even if you think you’re immune. Usually, it’s not YOU that is wrong, but that you’re in the wrong SITUATION. My eagle friends, it’s time to stop associating with the pigeons or trying to impress them. Instead of them pecking at your feathers and weird non-pigeonlike looks, raise your wings and soar!

If you find yourself unhappy, ask yourself… Read More »


I’m convinced that LOVE is what most people are desperately missing and desperately craving. It causes them to flex on Instagram, secretly hoping for respect and adulation– social proof being a lightweight form of love. It causes them to work hard in their careers, sometimes resorting to stealing when the results don’t come fast enough. The incredible level of evil I’ve witnessed done by self-righteous, rationalized as “they deserve it” is all by humans in pain, who desperately just want to be loved. Today, see beyond the mean acts done to you by these people– and discover the pain underneath that facade, hiding a child that just wants love.

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Don’t accept any less than 100%

I’ve been learning an incredibly painful lesson, which has cost me years of my life and drained my soul. Don’t accept any less than 100%. Would you board a jet that had a 99% no-crash rating? Or a friend that was incredible 99% of the time, but ripped you off blind 1% of the time? You could multiply 100 x 100 x 100… 99 times in a row. Then multiply that giant number by zero- and what do you have? That’s the price of a certain category of failure. Am I demanding impossible perfection from people, where you jump down their throats on mistakes? How does this jive with experimentation, forgiveness, and growth? What I’ve learned is the difference between graceful and catastrophic failure. The former is a normal life, while the latter is unfixable character issues. Be super, super selective of who you associate with. When people tell you who they are, believe them. I’ve paid dearly with my life and resources by being enamored of people who are wicked smart and charismatic— or have a sob story that rationalizes away their bad behavior and rotten situation. Now I care about just one thing— their character. Are they loyal— there for you no matter what, even when convenient to screw over— and do the right thing when it counts? Friends, silver and gold, the new ones and old ones. Time to get rich slowly, with a small, tight group of friends. And make an impact on those who believe in our mission. Are you setting the bar high enough for what you truly deserve?

Don’t accept any less than 100% Read More »

It is better to be kind than right

When you look back on what could have been, and the Phyrric victories you’ve “won”, realize it wasn’t worth it. The cost to be kind is zero dollars and almost zero time, but you do have to put aside your ego. This is how we all grow as people— to be the bigger man— and realize we are all broken people that need love. If you really need to be “right”, you’ll surround yourself with people who will agree with you, instead of helping you grow as a person. This is a lesson I’m still learning every day.

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Between any two points, you can draw a line.

Selectively, you can rationalize any conclusion, by ignoring the dots you don’t want to see. That’s why your own self-belief and bias have massive hidden power in the outcome of any situation. Usually creating patterns that repeat— which you may find frustrating or may love. Face that bias head-on, as ugly and painful as it may be, to accept the dots that would lead you to a different conclusion. Separate emotion and logic, recognizing that both are important in your decision-making. Decisions made under stress, especially when HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) are ones you will regret later. So delay making decisions when HALT, so low power, and negative bias don’t create overreaction, unwarranted pessimism, or harm to good things you have. Unnecessary sabotage is from limiting self-beliefs, especially weaknesses you ascribe yourself. Seek the counsel of credible friends who have your interests at heart to weed out these hidden biases, practice radical transparency with you (tough love), and unlock the goodness inside you.

Between any two points, you can draw a line. Read More »

If you give me a gold medal first, then I’ll be motivated to start training for the Olympics.

Laugh if you want, but this is a common attitude for the lazy employee mindset. I’m being paid only a fraction of what I’m worth, so I’m justified to pay only partial attention and do half-quality work. Ever been with a half-quality girlfriend or gotten surgery from a half-quality heart surgeon? Earn it the old-fashioned way, so you’re invited up to a place of prominence. Instead of sitting on the throne and then being disgracefully told you have to move. Better to start from a position of humility and have others lavish respect on you, which you’ve earned. Don’t wait for others to praise you to get going or wait for guarantees, even if it’s “unfair” that somebody else appears to be paid more for working less. Take action now!

If you give me a gold medal first, then I’ll be motivated to start training for the Olympics. Read More »

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