Dennis Yu

How To Show Your Team That You Care

When a team member asks for something, you deliver! From his daily status report this morning:  It’s cold and gloomy here today in Greenville, South Carolina (view from my hotel):   I saw this and went to Amazon Prime, finding same-day delivery for free on this item:   And I get a free gift note, so why not?   I also choose the gift bag option if the recipient is a female or if the gift is over $100.  Are you honoring and showing gratitude to your employees by sending them little gifts?  Believe me, when I say this, it’s not the $12, but the thought that counts.  And it’s a thought that they will remember.  I don’t know if you send your team small gifts or not, but it’s an action that shows that you care about them.  From doing so, you might just find a boost in their productivity and morale.  When was the last time someone sent you a physical gift in the mail (Not including holidays or birthdays)?  When was the last time you have done this?  Regardless, check out our Thank You Machine Training to learn how to be a pro gift giver– to delight your team members, improve their productivity, and grow your business.

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Want to know the most powerful thing you can do to accelerate your business?

Say thank you often and honestly. When you are in a state of gratitude, you have massive personal power. Armed with that power, you get into a “mission mindset” to help others. And then they do something magical for you- they reciprocate. You get 5 to 10 times back what you put in. They make connections for you, open doors you didn’t see, solve problems you didn’t realize were holding you back and say good things about you. The strength of a team of people looking out for you— cheering for you and actively helping your cause— is worth more than all the gold on the planet. Plus, this team is smarter and works harder than you ever could. Activate these amazing people by being the friend you’d like others to be for you.

Want to know the most powerful thing you can do to accelerate your business? Read More »

Want to know the most powerful thing you can do to accelerate your business?

Say thank you often and honestly. When you are in a state of gratitude, you have massive personal power. Armed with that power, you get into a “mission mindset” to help others. And then they do something magical for you- they reciprocate. You get 5 to 10 times back what you put in. They make connections for you, open doors you didn’t see, solve problems you didn’t realize were holding you back and say good things about you. The strength of a team of people looking out for you— cheering for you and actively helping your cause— is worth more than all the gold on the planet. Plus, this team is smarter and works harder than you ever could. Activate these amazing people by being the friend you’d like others to be for you.

Want to know the most powerful thing you can do to accelerate your business? Read More »

I want to share with you the most powerful thing I know about business

It will take you only a couple of minutes a day to do. No, it’s not the Dollar-a-Day technique. But first, let me give you some perspective… The older I get, the less need I feel to take credit. As a young hustler, I fought at every opportunity to demonstrate I was the best at everything, to win at even the dumbest of things. I realized that I couldn’t possibly keep up my knowledge in so many areas, despite my hard work and naïveté. Then I discovered that I only had to surround myself with the best people- that an hour of developing relationships had a higher ROI than studying. Folks like Logan Young and Sam Collier run our business competently, performing better Facebook ad optimization than I could by myself. I don’t even attend client meetings anymore, except as a figurehead or to be with friends. As a young adult, I was told the old adage about how it’s not who you know, but who knows you. I thought that was for professional salespeople who did deals all day and had natural, extroverted charisma. Not me at all. I thought that public speaking was only for people who wanted to be the next Tony Robbins or sell questionable health supplements. Then I realized that if you want to educate on a large scale, you must learn these skills, which anyone can do. And I found the most powerful tool in business, which you can do in one minute a day… To say THANK YOU to the good people that take care of you, do great work for you, and give you money. You build your brand when you elevate their brand. You cannot feel fear or weakness when you are in gratitude. Your customers and team members cannot help but reciprocate when you do this, taking care of their own, as part of a giant THANK YOU machine. Are you spending one minute each day saying thank you to the people you love and respect?

I want to share with you the most powerful thing I know about business Read More »

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