Dennis Yu

The Value of Pay-Per-Call And The Lead Generation Game

At the Lead Generation World conference, I recently met with Harrison Gevirtz, founder of Ringba, the call-tracking solution provider and arguably the smartest man in the internet marketing space who sets the highest standards for himself and his team. We discussed the pay-per-call space and his company. Pay-per-call space continues to grow and evolve. People have been buying leads for 20 plus 30 years. Why buy a lead when you can buy an engagement; when a warm, hot lead is on the phone, ready for you? When Harrison Gevirtz first started Ringba, people would go, “Calls? Nobody picks up. Nobody calls.” However, people now realize that’s not the case. People are calling way more, and while the call space is growing, the lead space is declining because they see the value in those warm, engaged, ready-to-purchase customers. Factors Behind Ringba’s Growth First and foremost, credit for the growth goes to their ambitious team, who always tries to find new clients to become part of the Ringba community. They have a huge trade show presence and built their business around sponsoring and participating in these trade shows around the country and in different categories. When you’re a new software company and go to a trade show, the first year, everyone walks past your booth. No one’s interested. The second year they go, “Oh, they’re still in business. That’s interesting.” And the third year, they go, “Maybe I’ll talk to them next year.” And after three years, when people want to come on board and see what you’re doing, now. Ringba has been around for six years and has almost become a money gun. So, if you own a software business, you can’t just judge one trade show when you’re looking at the revenue you generate from the show.

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Shooting for Success: How Money Guns and Pay-Per-Call Platforms Can Boost Your Business

What’s a Money Gun A money gun, also known as a cash cannon or money blaster, is a device that shoots out paper currency or confetti, typically in a party or entertainment setting. For example, they can be used by performers, nightclubs, or other businesses to create a festive atmosphere. They can also be used as promotional tools to draw attention to a business or event. Additionally, it can be used for quick transactions such as tips, charity, or giving money to friends or family, as I do as part of my Thank You Machine. They are designed to hold and dispense large amounts of cash and typically use compressed air or a spring-loaded mechanism to shoot the cash out. The Pay-Per-Call Software The pay-per-call industry is growing because it allows businesses to generate leads and increase revenue through targeted advertising. With pay-per-call, businesses only pay for the calls they receive from potential customers rather than for ad views or clicks that may not result in a sale. This gives businesses a better ROI and more control over their advertising budget. Pay-per-call can be more effective for certain businesses, such as local, legal, medical, or financial services. It also allows for a more direct and personal engagement with potential customers, as it’s a call, not just a click. The industry is expected to grow as technology evolves, making it easier for businesses to track and analyze their pay-per-call campaigns. Ringba, owned by Harrison Gevirtz, has developed pay-per-call software. Similar to CallRail, but performance oriented and with enterprise features for companies with sophisticated lead gen teams.  They are the #2 player in the industry.  The Ringba Software Ringba specializes in pay-per-call marketing. It was founded in 2013 and is based in San Diego, California. The company provides a platform for businesses to manage and optimize their pay-per-call campaigns. The platform includes call tracking, number optimization, advanced routing, reporting, and analytics. Ringba’s clients include businesses in various industries, such as legal, medical, and financial services. The company aims to provide a comprehensive solution for the pay-per-call industry and to help businesses optimize their campaigns for better results. The company serves many clients, from small businesses to large enterprises. Ringba’s platform can be integrated with other marketing platforms to deliver a seamless experience to its clients. Conclusion The pay-per-call industry is growing, and the Ringba software is like providing a money gun for its users. Harrison is, in fact, making it rain with his pay-per-call software, Ringba. Ringba provides a comprehensive solution for the pay-per-call industry, including call tracking, number optimization, advanced routing, and reporting and analytics. As a result, it helps businesses optimize their campaigns for better results.

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How to scale up your agency: a fresh approach

A colleague and I were discussing “leadership” and what that truly meant.  We came up with this analogy, which I hope you’ll enjoy. Imagine you move rocks for a living.  The more rocks you move, the more you’re paid.  You don’t move rocks, you don’t get paid.  Thus, you understand the direct linkage between putting in time and compensation.  This is the hourly wage model– some rock movers get paid more than others, whether flipping burgers, working in a big corporation, or drilling teeth. The more teeth you can drill, the more you’re paid.  Are you a corporate wage slave or someone who is paid piecemeal?  This was me for twenty years of my life– a prostitute selling my time for money. Whether I billed $5 per hour or $250– it was the same thing. One day in the proverbial quarry, you decide that moving more rocks to get paid more was not the right answer.  At best, you might move 20% more rocks than the other guy on a particular day, but it wasn’t sustainable.  So you leave the quarry for 7 days, much to the surprise of your fellow laborers. In that time you move no rocks and make no income. THE SHIFT But when you come back, you are driving a bulldozer.  Now, in one day you are able to move 100 times what a single laborer can do. But to get that bulldozer, you had to temporarily earn nothing– plus spend money to buy the vehicle and spend time learning how to drive the thing.  Your fellow laborers, noses down, continue to keep moving rocks— they don’t look up to see you in the bulldozer. They have heard about bulldozers in magazines, but never thought it was something possible for them. You hang out with the other guys driving bulldozers.  You have newfound wealth, which is fleeting since the crowd you run with also enjoys the same standard of living.  You’re right back in the middle of your peers.  It feels great to be 100 times more productive than you were before, but you’re not quite fulfilled. ANOTHER SHIFT So you leave the quarry again and disappear for 7 days.  In that time you move no rocks and make no income.  And when you return, you are back with 100 bulldozers and 100 other eager new bulldozer operators. You’ve opened a bulldozer training school!  Flocks of manual laborers who used to move rocks now come to be trained by you.  And you make a commission on the rocks they move since these laborers didn’t have enough money to buy their own bulldozers.  These laborers are now moving 100 times what they did before, but given the costs of training, equipment, and profit, they only make 10 times what they did before.  Still, they are happy. And you are temporarily happy.  With 100 bulldozer operators moving 100 times as many rocks as a single man can do, you’re at 10,000 times your earlier productivity.  Your lifestyle has changed, too.  You have a Granite Card from American Express and have a new mansion in Boulder. People admire you–you’re a ROCK star. They think that the secret to your success is getting stoned. But it’s not enough– something inside you is not quite satisfied.  You can only train so many new bulldozer operators per day.  You’re still moving rocks in a sense, just mass quantities. Growth in your bulldozer school is directly related to the amount of time you’ve put in.  So one day you close the bulldozer school.  The press thinks you’ve gone mad– that you’ve lost your marble. SCALE UP AGAIN You disappear for 7 days.  And when you return, you’re holding a brochure in your hand– “How to Open Your Own Bulldozer Training School”.  You’ve created a franchise model, where you are training up other school owners. You have first-hand experience in training new bulldozer operators, so new school owners can rely on your experience.  You now have sold 100 franchises, each one with a happy owner training 100 bulldozer operators, who in turn do the work of 100 laborers.  That’s 1 million times leverage. THE LESSON You would not have been able to pull this off unless you had personal experience moving rocks, driving bulldozers, training bulldozer operators, and running a franchised business.  You were able to take your knowledge and multiply it.   If you didn’t intimately understand each aspect of the business, scaling up would have just multiplied losses. Now examine your life and what you do.  Are you moving rocks or are you multiplying? Writing software is a multiplication process.  You can write one copy and sell it an infinite number of times.  You could hand-build a single PPC campaign for a client or perhaps write a campaign management tool that can do it over and over in an automated fashion.  But just like the rock-moving analogy, if you aren’t a practitioner with hands-on experience in managing campaigns, your automation won’t be effective.  There are lots of guys selling software that builds websites, manages PPC campaigns, creates SEO reports, sends out emails, and does a variety of tasks. If you want to create massive value, consider the rocks that you are moving. Can you write software or processes that can make life easier for others– or perhaps do some task faster, more effectively, or at a lower cost?  Everyone has something they know exceedingly well.  What is that skill for you?  You don’t have to be able to write code.  Software is nothing more than rules for machines, just like processes are rules for humans. Mcdonald’s is a software company that just happens to make burgers.  People go to Mcdonalds’ not because it has the most delicious burgers, but for the consistency of the food and the experience. You can take pimply-faced teens all over the world, minds distracted with their latest relationship dramas, speaking different languages, skilled or not– and still turn out that same value meal each time. That’s a

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Amazon shuts down Colorado Affiliates

I got this note below, which shut down the Content Factory affiliate account on Amazon as of March 8th because of the new Colorado Affiliate Tax (HB 10-1193).  Read it below: Dear Colorado-based Amazon Associate: We are writing from the Amazon Associates Program to inform you that the Colorado government recently enacted a law to impose sales tax regulations on online retailers. The regulations are burdensome and no other state has similar rules. The new regulations do not require online retailers to collect sales tax. Instead, they are clearly intended to increase the compliance burden to a point where online retailers will be induced to “voluntarily” collect Colorado sales tax — a course we won’t take. We and many others strongly opposed this legislation, known as HB 10-1193, but it was enacted anyway. Regrettably, as a result of the new law, we have decided to stop advertising through Associates based in Colorado. We plan to continue to sell to Colorado residents, however, and will advertise through other channels, including through Associates based in other states. There is a right way for Colorado to pursue its revenue goals, but this new law is the wrong way. As we repeatedly communicated to Colorado legislators, including those who sponsored and supported the new law, we are not opposed to collecting sales tax within a constitutionally-permissible system applied even-handedly. The US Supreme Court has defined what would be constitutional, and if Colorado would repeal the current law or follow the constitutional approach to collection, we would welcome the opportunity to reinstate Colorado-based Associates. You may express your views of Colorado’s new law to members of the General Assembly and to Governor Ritter, who signed the bill. Your Associates’ account has been closed as of March 8, 2010, and we will no longer pay advertising fees for customers you refer to after that date. Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned prior to March 8, 2010, will be processed and paid in accordance with our regular payment schedule. Based on your account closure date of March 8, any final payments will be paid by May 31, 2010. We have enjoyed working with you and other Colorado-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program, and wish you all the best in your future. Best Regards, The Amazon Associates Team Update: Perhaps with some Denver medical marijuana, the Colorado legislators might ease up a bit.

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Online Marketing from the Pest Control Tech.

Online Marketing is like Monopoly. In the game of Monopoly, you roll the dice, land on the property, buy un-owned property, pay rent, develop a property, collect rent, and pass go. The problem many people have with this game is that they leave the game to luck and many hate the game because they rely on luck. “I hate Monopoly, it’s all about luck.”, “It’s about the dice and buying the property first.” If you feel that way about Monopoly, then I’m sorry, but you are missing some key elements and you are focusing on the wrong things and you will most likely lose. Get a property. Fortunately, the online game of marketing removes some of those barriers for you. Online you have similar opportunities to buy the property and develop the property. Luckily you don’t roll a die to buy a property! But if someone else got there first then you are out of luck. Game over. Pack up. Go home. …OR, get the whole picture. The property, while key, is only one element. When I play Monopoly I typically don’t even go for Boardwalk, I go for the two brown ones right after GO. What you can’t recall the names of the cheap brown properties? That would be Mediterranean and Baltic, in the classic version. Internet Branding isn’t everything. There are plenty of people making money off of “Free” WordPress blogs, eBay, Squidoo pages, Blogger Blogs, and so on. Don’t really wholly on luck. If you really wholly on luck then you will lose when your luck runs out. Develop your property. The only way to make money in Monopoly is by collecting rent from visitors and passing Go… okay, minus the chance beauty pageant. FAT CHANCE! There are more beautiful people in the world than there are actors, models, and superstars combined. To collect rent you have to get visitors. To collect more rent you have to develop your property, i.e. target those visitors, and direct visitors to the goal. Ask Tim Ash about directing visitors, or just read his book. Targeting visitors can be the hunting portion. PPC and SEO fall under targeting practice. Directing visitors is getting them to buy, sign-up, call, or convert. If you don’t have a goal then you are not playing the game. It may be repetitive, but I am going to say it again, “Do you want visitors or do you want customers?” Yes, there is the argument that you must have visitors to get customers… Blah, Blah, Blah, …And what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Clearly, you must have visitors to your property to collect rent. But if you are not watching the game and they move on before you collect rent then you lose. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR VISITORS IF YOU WANT TO COLLECT RENT. That’s really what Landing Page Optimization is all about. It’s “Listening to your Customers.” Every great company listens to its customers. …Okay, there are “nice players” that will pay you rent even when you don’t ask them to. So, you can leave your property undeveloped and wait for those nice people that will pay you on occasion. And most people aren’t that nice! So we are not talking about domain squatting here; we are talking about developing your property by optimizing your site. Make Money: Win the Marketing Game Never lose sight of the whole picture. Don’t get too caught up in a few small details. A sports car is made up of thousands of parts working together. All playing a role. All important. But to go off on just how important the exhaust is and only work on the airflow out, while ignoring air flow in, will only make you look ignorant and or arrogant. So can make money by, speeding around the board in your sports car, or by building your property to collect more rent, or sell later. Some key elements of Monopoly Strategy. 1- Get a monopoly. 2- Cash flow. 3- Negotiate. Most people that rely on luck or think Monopoly is all about luck only see the first element and totally miss the second two. How often do the two losers join forces to beat the big guy? That’s negotiation. The two little guys are negotiating. Asking for 3 free stays on their properties to cover their rent, maybe better than letting them sell out really cheap to the other players. Creating a Monopoly Online Creating a monopoly online usually requires you to find a monopoly waiting to be had and dominate it before it ever appears on the radar. These obviously are rare and like the cheap brown spots, often not worth as much. Take for instance Austin Scorpion Control. Many websites will have more visitors an hour than that website will have in a month. But, it will be hard to take over their positions on Google. And while the positions were cheap when they were undeveloped and unnoticed, the cost now is a bit higher. Not to mention the fact that you would need an exterminator that actually wants and likes to take on scorpion problems. Most exterminators don’t specialize in scorpion control. The second way to gain a monopoly is NEGOTIATION. Have you tried searching “cheap domain name” online lately? Godaddy and its affiliates own most of the first page of Google. That’s a monopoly. Or you use Godaddy’s other tactic to gain a Monopoly…MONEY. Big super bowl ads. Lots of Money. Big SEO campaigns, lots of money. Going for a monopoly on Atlanta Pest Control is a lot harder than a monopoly on Alpharetta Pest Control, a North Atlanta, GA suburb. Therefore the money required to get there is a lot more. But what about the Negotiation? Hey, if you have a valuable piece of a monopoly that I want and I have a piece of a monopoly that you want, then let’s negotiate. Make a deal and trade. I could care less if you create a monopoly for home

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Want to be a well-known affiliate blogger? My interview with Murray Newlands

I was able to catch up Murray Newlands, a famous blogger. We were able to have nice about his work in affiliate marketing, and the secret behind the site,, an affiliate blog that came from nowhere and is now everywhere on Google and Twitter. Not only has he some great content on his blog, but is getting picked up and noted all over the blogosphere. Google Famous Blogger and you will see his name, I even hear he is working on Celebrity Blogger! Murray, what ideas are interesting to you at the moment? Chris Brogan’s writing on Trust Agents hit a chord with me. I have been very successful as a blogger since launching my blog earlier this year. My SEO is great, and a large reason for this is the links that people give me. I put this down to the content which people do like, yes, but there is more to it than that. I get lots of links from some great people I know in the industry become they want to help me. I always try to help others and I have found that truly what goes around in the blogosphere comes around. You want to connect with people who will engage with you and you soon learn who can fulfill that need with you and who will not. Once you get a reputation for being engaging and helping others, you are soon introduced to more people who will also interact with you. It is a virtuous circle of people who help each other, and these people swim in schools. Who are some bloggers I should be trying to connect with? Greg Rollett Drew Heather Smith Joetech Steve Hall Shawn Collins Connie Chris Brogan Eric Schechter Missy Ward Rax How does blogging fit in with your affiliate marketing work? Well, I blog about my work, and writing is a great way to explore ideas and concepts as well as share industry news. It is also a good means of making new contacts within the industry many of whom I now do business with. What fears do you have with blogging? When I first started I was worried about what people would say about my blog, my writing, MY SPELLING. Now I am not so worried about that, what I do worry about is the people who I forget to say thank you too and the missed opportunities. There is so much going on and so little time. I also have other projects which are getting more demanding and taking me away from my blog. I am not giving up. Footnote: Murray knows how to draw positive attention. He ranks on Dennis Yu via just one interview with me.

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Ultra Light Startups: Local Edition in NYC

The day before Affiliate Summit East in NYC, last Thursday, I attended a ULS get-together on Local. There were almost 100 people there– perhaps half from start-ups looking to network or pitch their product.  Entry fee was $20, but $10 if you do a 60-second pitch.  I am cheap, so I did the pitch. After the pitching, there was a round table with Court Cunningham, CEO of Yodle– then the CEOs from, growth spur, and 8coupons.  Clearly, I was there to meet Court, as he is a competitor in the local space.  Panelists agreed that: the local space was a growing share of the $500 billion dollar advertising market the weak economy and low cost to make a website were initiating entrepreneurship on a scale never before seen the traditional media channels (radio, TV, print) are getting hammered, as ad dollars shift to local the cost of producing content is decreasing– we don’t need union writers, as anyone can blog.  Consider the Iranian revolution broke via Twitter, not the traditional media I was overall impressed with the quality of the networking– at the same level as Silicon Valley, with a touch less pretentiousness. The free pizza, provided by Seamless Web, was also a nice touch. Afterward, I had the pleasure of meeting Graham Lawlor, founder of Ultra Light Startups.  The concept of being ultra-light is that you don’t need venture capital– just a couple of folks with a great idea and a lot of resourcefulness. Looking forward to seeing how these informal groups (including TechStars and YCombinator) help young entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. If you’re looking to start your own business, want to network with other startups, or perhaps need a bit of inspiration, I’d recommend that you attend one of these events.

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I will do a SEO analysis of your site for FREE!

A few days ago, I offered to perform a SEO analysis on the website of one lucky winner– something at BlitzMetrics that we normally charge between $6k-10k to do.  There were 23 responses and I’m choosing, which is by Keith Mander, a current Facebook employee and ex-Googler (not to be confused with the other Keith who blogs here). Let’s first start with an assumed goal of the site– to make money from ads, as there are no products to be found.  Keith is using 4 cleverly-placed Google AdSense units on each page, in addition to serving ads via Google Ad Manager (GAM)– a product that kills OpenAds and will be merged into DART DoubleClick (that’s the subject of another post). Notice how the links on the left blend in well with the orange. The site has a Google Toolbar PageRank of 4 and a MozRank of 4.58– moderate juice is flowing to the site. The MozRank, as developed by SEOMoz is a more accurate view of link juice that is flowing, as the toolbar PR is rarely updated, plus there’s a huge difference between a low 4 and a high 4. This nice level of juice flows through the rest of the site nicely, allowing 3,130 pages to be reported indexed by Google, such that even lower-level pages are getting crawled and ranking.  Sites that have a low homepage PR peter out quickly– there’s not enough juice left by the time the bot gets to the pages that are 3-4 links away from the homepage, so they don’t get indexed. To validate, just go to one of the lower-level pages, grab a paragraph of text (maybe 15-20 words), and paste the whole thing right into the search box.  That will let you know what’s being indexed. Also, try some of the terms the site wants to rank on.  In this case, I searched on “99 bottles of pop on the wall” and see his site taking the first position. Of course, search on just the domain and you see him first– if you’re not first on your own name, something is quite wrong or you have a generic name. Not only does Keith rank #1 on his name, but he has 8 site links, the maximum number of site links you can have. While you can’t choose which links are site links, it’s great to have them anyway.  You have to be in the #1 spot for a search and also have enough “authority”. I’d guess that Keith wants to rank on “children’s songs”, as that is the first search phrase in his home page title.  He’s #2 in my search here in the US, and the #1 result is PR5.  Let’s go to SEOmoz’s LinkScape tool (which requires a subscription, but is well worth it) to dig deeper… The #1 result has a higher domain mozRank (5.18 vs 4.31) and higher mozTrust (5.58 vs 4.49).  They have 4,354 inbound links versus 848 on  It’s true that quality is more important than quantity of links. In this case, the guy above Keith also has higher trust (more juice garnered from high-trust sites), so Keith’s better content doesn’t win the day.  Rand Fishkin, CEO of seoMOZ, noted that he could create a crappy entry on Wikipedia and an amazingly helpful article on a new domain– and the next day the Wikipedia article will win. Not fair, but says something about the power of inbound links. You can still beat guys that have more juice than you overall by selectively picking terms you want to rank on.  If you search “nursery rhymes”, you’ll see a completely different set of results than for “children’s songs”. While some SEO pundits like to wax on about LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) and how search engine theming can help you rank on terms that you don’t even have on your page– the more practical reality is that you want to have these terms on your page and for anchor text in sites that link to you.  Note that in the above seoMOZ LinkScape report, the #1 anchor text is “bus songs”.  No surprise there, but “nursery rhymes” is #2, and “children’s songs” isn’t until #10, passing a piddly amount of juice from only a few domains. Thus, Keith will have to decide whether it’s more important to go from #2 to #1 on “children’s song” or try to get to the first page on “nursery rhymes”. It’s a question of big dwarf or little giant– which is bigger? Let’s find out how much volume is available: For every 19 searches on “children’s songs”, there are 68 searches on “nursery rhymes”. Further, for every 19 searches on “children’s song”, there are 100 searches on “nursery songs”– the term you’d want to own if it were no extra effort.  Note that Google’s Insights for Search tool doesn’t tell you the exact number of searches on each term– rather, they give you a relative figure, with the most popular term being indexed at 100 and every other term scaled against that term. So how do you decide what term to go after?  Let’s say that I was ranked #8 on “nursery rhymes” and #2 on “children’s songs”– good rankings on a highly popular term and great rankings on an okay term.  Moving from #8 to #3 on the popular term would produce about as much increase as going from #2 to #1 on the okay term.  As you get towards the top of the page, your CTR will go way up.  I wouldn’t be surprised if moving from #2 to #1 yielded a 3x increase in clicks. Of course, you wouldn’t do this in a spammy way, where overnight all your inbound links suddenly have the identical anchor text of “children’s songs”. But you could kindly ask the 70 sites who gave you 81 links with the anchor of “bus songs” to switch to something else. If you add “bus songs” to the list in Google Insights

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