Dennis Yu

internet marketing training

What I’ve learned going through 20 of the most popular course-selling courses

I think I’m going to throw up. The number of people selling courses on how to sell a course is mind-boggling. And I’ve forced myself to go through about 20 of the most popular ones to see what they’re doing. Here’s what I’ve learned if you’re curious: + 95% of this is hype designed to […]

What I’ve learned going through 20 of the most popular course-selling courses Read More »

Google’s search share went from 79% to 75%– why that doesn’t matter

So much quibbling among the SEOs about how Bing is stealing traffic from Google or how Yahoo! isn’t what it once was. Ten years ago, I worked at Yahoo! And while I’d be tempted to chime in on this tempest in a teapot, they’re missing the point. That’s me with Jerry and David, who co-founded

Google’s search share went from 79% to 75%– why that doesn’t matter Read More »

Why some technology companies fail and others succeed

Many folks speculate why Google has overtaken Yahoo! in search or why Facebook has dominated in social networking, versus Friendster. I believe there’s one key factor— if you’re running a technology company, you need a technologist at the helm.  Larry and Sergey of Google were Ph Ds (or about to be) in Computer Science.  The

Why some technology companies fail and others succeed Read More »

Organizing project in Basecamp– a simple workaround

We’ve got over 100 projects in our Basecamp– and that makes for potentially messy project management.  Basecamp doesn’t allow you to group projects together, except under companies.  So our workaround was to create companies named “Non-Profit support”, “Tier 1 Clients”, “Content Factory Platform”, “Cosmetic Surgeons”, and so forth to bucket projects together.  On the plus

Organizing project in Basecamp– a simple workaround Read More »

4 steps to make a KILLER Infographic and drive natural inbound links

  Gather some interesting statistics and then make a chart out of it– and you’ve got yourself an Infographic.  Examples are showing a map of the world and income for each country displayed by green bars.  Or perhaps it’s the price of gasoline over the last 2 years graphed against milk prices to show some

4 steps to make a KILLER Infographic and drive natural inbound links Read More »

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