Dennis Yu

Has Facebook’s time come?

Interesting to think that Apple doesn’t have a blue check mark, but I do. Even the most profitable company in the world is no match for Mark Zuckerberg’s power! Seriously, Facebook has too much power. So if they don’t like you (witness the Apple + Facebook feud), you have no recourse. Time to diversify– don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Even though the last 13 years on Facebook has been incredible, things change– we need to adjust. Censorship, ad accounts banned, privacy issues, nobody to talk to when there’s a problem, etc… My money is on YouTube, SnapChat, TikTok, and good old fashioned web + email this next year. Facebook will get busted up, just like the airlines and Ma Bell in the Mercedes 80s. Are you prepared?

Has Facebook’s time come? Read More »

This quick tweak will protect your website from hackers.

We’ve recently seen 5 clients get hacked — all easily avoidable. Quick tip to ensure YOUR website isn’t easily hacked. If the login to your website has /wp-admin at the end of the URL, get your web person to change it to something else. This is the url that hackers hit. So by changing it to anything else– even /admin or /chriscollins, you avoid 99% of the malicious stuff out there. If you are an agency, get this fixed ASAP for your clients. If you are a business owner, you should know this is a simple fix.

This quick tweak will protect your website from hackers. Read More »

How VAs are stealing from you, unknowingly

VAs who are paid hourly will work for a couple hours and then let their computer run the rest of the day rendering, uploading, and doing other things— while billing us the time. It’s a great way for them to make a lot more money, since they can start that process at the beginning of the day and knowingly get the rest of the day to spend with their family, do errands, play video games— and know they’re making money. It’s not “dishonest” in their mind– but it’s also not ethical. So the bounty (per task) model will create incentives for them to do the rendering/uploading at the end of the day, while they’re sleeping.  And as they earn more money, they can invest in having a second computer. I’ve made the mistake of buying equipment for people who then run off with it. And even with an agreement that this is company property they need to return– usually they hold onto it. One even has a couple thousand dollars of camera equipment I bought him– with his repeat insistence that he would create training videos with it. He’s sat on the equipment for a year and hasn’t done anything. Strong, internal people who have proven their value could get a computer from the company, but it’s far better for them to just earn it by making more money with us. Even virtual assistants can make more than enough to get a big Mac in 2 months of good work, since we’d really be overpaying on performance. Interesting to see the entitlement mentality– the employee versus founder mindset. Not something for us to get mad at, but instead, understand and build gamified systems that work to everyone’s advantage.

How VAs are stealing from you, unknowingly Read More »

The easier way out isn’t always the best option.

Building processes and systems to scale is much harder than having a small biz with your buddy as your business partner. More people mean more problems– and everyone will have an opinion, whether they are qualified to give it or not. Seek growth via credible advisors– people who have repeatedly done what you’d like to do. Treat failures along the way not with despair or frustration but as opportunities to continue tuning your people, process, and platform. You are a mechanic building an engine– more complex than a bicycle, but worth it.

The easier way out isn’t always the best option. Read More »

What I’ve learned from Facebook

My friends who work at Facebook gave me access to their onboarding training since we are tuning up how we hire up new account managers. What I’ve learned…… – Role-playing is critical to being good with clients, so trainees take turns practicing as the client, account manager, and observer, grading the role-play across key factors. – They’ve left nothing to assume— thick workbooks spell out the fundamentals of digital marketing and the steps of booking client call— before, during, and after. – Practice what we preach. New Facebook team members have to create a business page and know how to run ads, so they have empathy from the client’s point of view. – Humanity is critical. It’s not enough to have product knowledge or be able to blindly follow a script with robot precision. Teach active listening skills— listening to understand instead of only to sell. While a consultative sale does require product knowledge, more important is building empathy with the client— showing we care and being reliable with frequent, lightweight touches during the relationship. As we hire up account managers (a lot of moms, it’s starting to look like), I’m building in soft skills to be honed via role play and testing for EQ. I’ve found that the technical execution of driving more patients for chiropractors is far easier than finding and teaching the relationship side of things. Thus, a successful account manager is not a call center employee, VA, or technical specialist, but an intrapreneur who cares deeply for their clients as quasi-children. We love stay-at-home moms, by the way!

What I’ve learned from Facebook Read More »

Here’s a sneak peek into what we’ve been building.

Warning: it’s raw and technical, but for systems builders (even if you’re not an engineer), you’ll get a sense of what scaling up systems and people entails. Being able to map out how your company operates in detail, whether you are a small or big company, selling services or products, is key to getting out of the weeds of doing the work all by yourself or having to deal with people’s failures and exceptions. Hope you like it!

Here’s a sneak peek into what we’ve been building. Read More »

This is why you’ll SUCCEED in 2020 in areas you’ve failed before in past years…

You know that anything based upon mere MOTIVATION will fail. You might start out strong, but motivation can’t last forever, no matter how much Gary and Tony you consume– or how hard you try. What’s different this time is that you’ve learned from the past– and now you’re about SYSTEMS. SYSTEMS of people— your team, mentors, and collaborators to keep your projects running, even on those inevitable days that you’re not at 100%. SYSTEMS of process— where you’ve documented what you’ve done before, so other people can follow them for repeatable excellence, freeing up your time. SYSTEMS of platforms— automation via tools that eliminate your busy work, like FancyHands, Boomerang for Gmail, Infusionsoft, automated rules in Facebook ads, our Agency Management Platform, and other means to eliminate waste from repetitive tasks. Your SYSTEMS of people, processes, and platforms are 1,000% stronger than just you– even on your best day or most well-intentioned resolutions. Your SYSTEMS will continue to produce for you– even when colleagues rip you off blind, friends let you down, and objects hit you from behind. You will succeed in 2020 because this is not yet another New Year’s Resolution. It’s a permanent and ongoing investment in your health, wealth, and happiness. And I’m here to help you build these systems, sharing openly what has worked for me and our network of successful friends.

This is why you’ll SUCCEED in 2020 in areas you’ve failed before in past years… Read More »

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