Dennis Yu

What Qualifies You to Provide a Credible Opinion

Many people have strong opinions, whether credible or not, about what you should or should not do, whether backed by experience or not. And the more people you have, the more unsolicited opinions you’ll have coming at you– from family, friends, people who work for you, and random people on the internet. The tricky balance […]

Advice to a 20-year-old Dennis

Employees complain and make problems– owners solve them. No matter how smart or right you are, consider if you’re creating headaches for others to deal with or alleviating them. That’s how you get ahead in anything you do.

Raise your standards, my friends.

“Culture, it turns out, is defined by the worst behavior the company’s leadership will tolerate from its employees (and I’d add clients, in fact). So if you let things go unchecked, culture is defined for you.” – David Schwartz

The Mountain and The Storm

The mountain and the cloud were friends. They admired each other’s qualities. The cloud admired the mountain’s grandeur, peace, and beauty– a rock-solid, comfortable place to call home. And the mountain enjoyed the cloud’s ability to provide rain to his slopes– enthralled by the power of thunder. But after a while, familiarity led to complacency. […]

Classic MUST read

This will help you understand the power of interruptions — going for effectiveness vs efficiency. I find one meeting can sometimes affect a whole day. A meeting commonly blows at least half a day, by breaking up a morning or afternoon. Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule

7 things I learned at ESTO about social media

Attendees love microbrews in Portland. Why have a travel conference in Little Rock, Arkansas?  Just kidding. Social media has advanced to where influencers matter– and you can’t treat them like ad networks. You must cultivate content in their voice to appeal to their audience authentically. Henry Hornecker is a 21-year-old up-and-coming social media star that […]