Decide on a topic you absolutely, authoritatively want to DOMINATE. Enough so that you can write 100 blog posts on that topic and interview 18 people who credibly have expertise in that particular niche.
Blogs that get traffic— not random corporate or personal blogs– are the realm of EXPERTS who go so deep in an area that Google can’t help but index their terms.
Growing blog traffic isn’t about short-term SEO tricks, but having content so deep and consistent that there’s no question to a human or bot that you have the best posts, deserving of that top ranking in Google.
When you have those 18 people that you interview via video (perhaps as part of your “podcast”– people won’t say no to being on a podcast), chop these interviews into blog posts. Embed those videos, too, which help you rank in video searches, too.
If you’re launching your blog, don’t give up after the first couple of posts– get to 100 posts deep on that topic, at least one post per day. Decide on a topic you absolutely, authoritatively want to DOMINATE. Enough so that you can write 100 blog posts on that topic and interview 18 people who credibly have expertise in that particular niche.
Blogs that get traffic– not random corporate or personal blogs– are the realm of EXPERTS who go so deep in an area that Google can’t help but index their terms.
Growing blog traffic isn’t about short-term SEO tricks, but having content so deep and consistent that there’s no question to a human or bot that you have the best posts, deserving of that top ranking in Google.
When you have those 18 people that you interview via video (perhaps as part of your “podcast”– people won’t say no to being on a podcast), chop these interviews into blog posts. Embed those videos, too, which help you rank in video searches, too.
If you’re launching your blog, don’t give up after the first couple of posts– get to 100 posts deep on that topic, at least one post per day.