Dennis Yu

Breaking Into the Life Coaching Industry: The Ingenious Dollar a Day Strategy

Introduction When it comes to starting a new business venture, the classic “chicken and egg” problem often rears its head. You need proof of success to gain clients, but you need clients to get that success in the first place. My buddy Alex recently decided to pivot his focus to helping life coaches grow their brands via the Dollar a Day strategy, but he faced this very conundrum: How could he break into an entirely new niche without any proof of success in that field? Well, I’ve got a tactical, straightforward game plan for him—and for anyone else looking to crack the code. If you’re in a similar boat, read on to learn how to not just overcome this obstacle, but to also become a living, breathing example of the strategy you’re implementing. The Game Plan: Interview to Unlock Opportunities Step 1: Interview Top Life Coaches The first part of the plan is to interview top life coaches via Zoom for about 15 minutes. And let’s be clear: The goal here isn’t to make a sale. Instead, you’re honoring these professionals, learning from their experience, and providing them a platform to share their insights. Step 2: Create Chapters for Each Coach Turn each of these 15-minute interviews into a standalone chapter and compile them all into a book. Make sure the content is engaging, informative, and provides value not only to the coaches but also to the readers who are interested in the field. Step 3: Boost Your Book on Amazon Once the book is ready, list it on Amazon and use the Dollar a Day strategy to promote it. With just a small daily ad spend, you can reach a highly targeted audience of potential customers and interested professionals. Step 4: Leverage Co-authors for Promotion You don’t have to go it alone in promoting the book. Leverage the reach of the life coaches you’ve featured. They have their own followings and would likely be willing to share the book with their audience, especially since they are featured in it. The Ripple Effects Unlock Podcasts The book serves as an excellent portfolio of your expertise, which you can then parlay into opportunities for appearing on podcasts. These podcasts can be your own or those hosted by other experts in the industry. Boost Your Podcast Appearances Apply the Dollar a Day strategy once more, but this time to boost these podcast episodes. Again, this is a cost-effective way to get your message and expertise in front of the right audience. Attract Clients Before You’re Even Ready One of the magical aspects of this strategy is that you don’t have to wait until you have your service packages fully fleshed out. Once the book is out and the podcast episodes are circulating, life coaches will start reaching out for help. Why? Because you’ve built up trust. You’ve given them value and honored their profession. Final Thoughts: Become a Living Practitioner At this point, you’ll have successfully integrated yourself into the life coaching industry, using the Dollar a Day strategy to not only promote others but also yourself. You become a living, breathing practitioner of what you’re implementing. You’ll have turned the ‘chicken and egg’ issue on its head, gaining both experience and a client base before even launching your full suite of services. By the time you’re ready to fully launch, you won’t just be someone trying to help life coaches. You’ll be a recognized player in the field, all thanks to the ingenious application of a Dollar a Day.

We gifted our Office Hours members a subscription to LinkWhisper today!

Today we gifted everyone in Office Hours a subscription to Link Whisper, an AI-driven tool that generates smart internal links to help you rank better on Google. If you were to buy it, pricing starts at $77 per website per year. And if you were to add in all the other tools we provide for Office Hours members, such as Rank Math, you’d see that’s far more than the subscription of Office Hours. Then you get all our courses and LIVE support from our team for free on top of that. Is that not a KILLER deal? When I designed this program, that was my goal– to put together what I would want to see to help me grow my business, figure out what tools are best, and get guidance along the way from the pros. You can join Office Hours here.

Why You Need To Be More Personal In Your Business Ventures

The following is a guest post by Dr. Chris Collins from Chattanooga, TN The first time I heard Dennis speak was in a Facebook live video interview with Black Diamond Club. In that discussion, he was speaking about how to create personal touches through social media.  This guy is so genuine about the whole thing, taking all rules off the table, and saying things like, “Why don’t you just send them a personal video response or audio message.” Be Personal Even as a doctor who places emphasis on personalized care, my first thought was still, “Wouldn’t that be weird?”. Until I tried it, and I have to say, people were touched. What I’ve learned from Dennis this year is you are always in a state of influence on someone, and it pays to be kind.  Does he walk the walk? Without question, yes. After the conversation on his life, he invited everyone to send him an email asking a question or saying hi, and he sent me a personalized video encouraging me to feel empowered as a doctor and an authority figure in my community. Enjoy his first message to me below: Build Relationships Relationships are his thing, and most good marketers should know a thing or two about how to create a relationship and create value and then deliver. The difference I see in Dennis is his consistency in follow-through, and his earnest desire to understand what others’ needs are. A perfect example is my second interaction with Dennis. I was on his stage, at an event where I was about to give an impromptu 1-minute video script sharing a “why moment”. Dennis made it super easy, especially considering I was in front of a crowd of about 250 people. Dennis gave respectful and just enough helpful feedback without drawing too much attention to himself. Here’s a picture of me on stage giving my “Why” about standing up for yourself: ROI From Personalized Care Okay, so I’m sure this is starting to sound flattery, so for anyone reading who is a pragmatist, here’s where I see the objective value. The magic in Dennis Yu is his experience, knowledge application, and connections. In the first month, since we hired him we have already seen 3x the inquiries, which equals not only increased revenue for us but people served in Chattanooga, TN. You’ve been continuously marketed to your whole life, and for a guy like Dennis who has been in the game for such a long time, he’s earned his right to be an egotistical puffed-up blowfish with a wizard hat that reads “SEO king” on it. The brilliant thing is, he’s not egotistical, and he’s not flashy. The best word I can use to describe him is the noise of all the schools of marketing clamor out there. – refreshing.

How A $100 Tab Led to a Butterfly Effect of Empowerment

The following is a guest post by Dr. Grant Dennis. Benevolence. It quite possibly could be the very thing that our community will require to survive during the pandemic that has now taken us into 2021. Benevolence is simply the act of giving without any expectation of return; it is a nice gesture, or the act of paying it forward to the next person. I have witnessed firsthand the power that beholding a benevolent posture can have — not only on the people of your community but on yourself, as well. I went into a few local restaurants back in March 2020, when the pandemic first hit. Many small businesses and restaurants were being shut down and were massively impacted financially. I decided to start a $100 tab, and told anyone in the community that needed some extra support to go and pick up a pizza, or pick up a sack lunch, “on Dr. Grant’s tab.”  This served two purposes: to help local businesses garner more business but also to help people in my community who were massively impacted by the pandemic. But, there was also a third purpose that I didn’t appreciate at first. At a time when most are living in a state of fear and disempowerment due to circumstances outside of their control; it provided me with a new sense of empowerment.  So, as we head into a new year, and we close the book on a year that could be described with every adjective except for “normal,” I would encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and make one small implementation in your life that I know can have a massive impact – not only on yourself but also on everyone in your community. Join me in choosing just one local small business every week and supporting them in whatever way you feel like – from a place of benevolence. Start a tab, purchase an item and donate it, or simply go and buy their particular product or service and tip extra. I think you will find that if you make this commitment to your community and yourself, you will find a huge leap in abundance, empowerment, and fulfillment that will propel you to have the best year that you have ever had on so many levels in 2021. Yours in health, Dr. Grant Dennis

What is the most important thing to do before launching a new blog?

Decide on a topic you absolutely, authoritatively want to DOMINATE.  Enough so that you can write 100 blog posts on that topic and interview 18 people who credibly have expertise in that particular niche.   Blogs that get traffic— not random corporate or personal blogs– are the realm of EXPERTS who go so deep in an area that Google can’t help but index their terms. Growing blog traffic isn’t about short-term SEO tricks, but having content so deep and consistent that there’s no question to a human or bot that you have the best posts, deserving of that top ranking in Google. When you have those 18 people that you interview via video (perhaps as part of your “podcast”– people won’t say no to being on a podcast), chop these interviews into blog posts.  Embed those videos, too, which help you rank in video searches, too. If you’re launching your blog, don’t give up after the first couple of posts– get to 100 posts deep on that topic, at least one post per day. Decide on a topic you absolutely, authoritatively want to DOMINATE.  Enough so that you can write 100 blog posts on that topic and interview 18 people who credibly have expertise in that particular niche.   Blogs that get traffic– not random corporate or personal blogs– are the realm of EXPERTS who go so deep in an area that Google can’t help but index their terms. Growing blog traffic isn’t about short-term SEO tricks, but having content so deep and consistent that there’s no question to a human or bot that you have the best posts, deserving of that top ranking in Google. When you have those 18 people that you interview via video (perhaps as part of your “podcast”– people won’t say no to being on a podcast), chop these interviews into blog posts.  Embed those videos, too, which help you rank in video searches, too. If you’re launching your blog, don’t give up after the first couple of posts– get to 100 posts deep on that topic, at least one post per day.