Dennis Yu

Larry Kim, #1 Spender on Google Ads, Launches Unbelievable AI Lead Gen Tool

I hung out with him in Boston the other day and he blew my mind… I can get the email addresses of 15-20% of your website visitors. Then send them a personalized email generated by GPT4. It’s basically web remarketing using email. And super easy to implement, since you just install a pixel. It’s totally compliant (CAN-SPAM or AI creepy). And has been working super well for top B2C brands. If you have at least 200 visitors a month, then this is worth testing. You’re losing 15-20% of your sales if you don’t have this. The first 50 leads are free and we score your website instantly. What used to cost us $60 a click via PPC is now less than a dollar. You can thank me later– don’t miss this. Go to

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Perfect Audience Acquired by Marin Software and What It Really Means

The real story is that native retargeting via Facebook and Google kills their business as a stand-alone. And the bigger picture is that retargeting is not just an add-on to PPC, but revolutionizes how we all need to think about advertising. It now means we must integrate marketing automation with our paid search. And thus, our content makers must own the mantle of amplifiers, since they know the target and are closest to the customer. The casualties are agencies that have depended for so long on the traditional ad agency model: one and done, set and forget, “Super Bowl” campaigns, and media planning cycles. Might as well bring a rusty knife to a drone fight.

Perfect Audience Acquired by Marin Software and What It Really Means Read More »

What converts best: Facebook or LinkedIn? Here are the results…

Interestingly, Facebook mobile converts slightly better than desktop newsfeed, but it depends on the product you’re selling, the content you’re promoting, and how much you’re asking for on the landing page. The right-hand side ads fared poorly here but delivered the most clicks and the highest share of new visitors. Of course, new visitors convert at a lower rate than retargeting traffic. So make sure you’re apples-to-apples. Will the new RHS ad format convert better, as opposed to only delivering a higher CTR? LinkedIn converts 70% better than Facebook, but the traffic costs 4 times as much.  Once they’re a lead, the conversion rates are similar, largely because we use ad copy that qualifies leads. Some B2B players say that Facebook is for generating awareness (top of the funnel), since they have the greatest reach, while LinkedIn is for converting.  I’d say that was true a year ago, but not anymore because of website custom audiences and email custom audiences. The new workplace targeting options help mid-funnel activity, too. So the question is not “Is Facebook better than LinkedIn?” Rather, keep the highest-performing segments from both networks. If you can spare the effort to run campaigns on both networks, it’s well worth your time. Your own results will vary, so test it on your own data and let us know!

What converts best: Facebook or LinkedIn? Here are the results… Read More »

Google has lookalike audiences, too!

Sorry- “Similar audiences”, is an analogy to Facebook’s custom/lookalike audiences. via It takes your existing remarketing list and builds its own audience based on similar interests. It’s compiled from people browsing the Google Display Network over the past 30 days and can be used to serve both text and image ads on the GDN, but your remarketing list needs at least 500 unique cookies to use the feature. You should only use lists with closely identical user bases, or Google might have a hard time making a similar audience. The similar list sizes are currently small, so you should take precautions such as adding the matching remarketing list as a negative to only serve fresh users. You can find similar audiences under the Display tab by going to Ad Targeting ->Interests & Remarketing, or in your Shared Library under Audiences, so if you have an awesome list- give it a shot and let me know your results!

Google has lookalike audiences, too! Read More »

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