Dennis Yu

Time Management

The #1 productivity tip of the most successful people I know is that they manage interruptions.

When you allow people to interrupt you, they are controlling your time and priorities. Respond to true emergencies, which must be urgent and important. 99% of the interruptions you have are not important— they can wait and can go through email. Could you imagine if anytime someone had a random question or non-life threatening situation

The #1 productivity tip of the most successful people I know is that they manage interruptions. Read More »

Working part-time when you’re brand new in a competitive field is like trying to take off on just one engine.

Or playing basketball with just one hand in the NBA. You’re not going to be a pro-level digital marketer without making the commitment. Some people make the fatal mistake of thinking that working multiple jobs is somehow “safer”, as if stock market portfolio theory applies to work. One is a passive investment, where you hedge

Working part-time when you’re brand new in a competitive field is like trying to take off on just one engine. Read More »

The most generous thing anyone can do is give you their TIME.

Not their money, things, knowledge, or connections, since these are all replenishable. When someone gives you their time, treat it with the utmost of respect, since it means they care. Relationships of all types are built upon the sharing of units of time together. A meal together, a nudge via email, a message via Facebook—

The most generous thing anyone can do is give you their TIME. Read More »

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