Dennis Yu

facebook analytics

Leverage your weak connections for a network boost.

Driving leads via Facebook is now about strategy, not about tactical tricks anymore.

Years ago, Facebook had a LIKE button on ads– do you remember? Back then, fan growth was all the rage– and it was before there was a newsfeed or even mobile. We could even drive 600 fans for a dollar– not a typo since traffic was about 20 cents for every thousand impressions. So we […]

Driving leads via Facebook is now about strategy, not about tactical tricks anymore. Read More »

Facebook CTR has less than a 1% correlation with sales or business results.

Surprising. I’ve fought this for a couple of years now, but now I finally understand why Facebook is not recommending us to choose “website traffic” (clicks) as a bidding objective when we can choose conversions or brand awareness. We used to bid for clicks because we didn’t have enough conversions for the system to optimize.

Facebook CTR has less than a 1% correlation with sales or business results. Read More »

Just because posts do well organically doesn’t mean that they’ll behave the same in a boost.

Here are the reasons why:– Text- heavy posts, especially memes, violate the 20% text rule, so you get disapproved or penalized.– Some organic posts cannot be boosted– they have profanity, use Facebook’s brand the wrong way, or violate the ads TOS (like having a gun pointed towards you).– You’ve exhausted the original audience, so your

Just because posts do well organically doesn’t mean that they’ll behave the same in a boost. Read More »

Facebook now lets you automatically boost posts

5 years ago, Facebook had an auto-boost feature where they would automatically boost your posts. But they killed it because not many people were using it and because the system was boosting posts about site outages, sales that had already expired, and other things.   So this new version gives you a bit more control: You

Facebook now lets you automatically boost posts Read More »

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