Dennis Yu

Try this!

These are the exercises we did together today in Conquer Local Think Tank– for anyone wanting to start an agency to help local businesses or grow their agency. No cost– and if you missed this session, you can catch the replays by joining the program. It’s free:

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Here’s why your sales approach isn’t working…

People don’t buy courses, they want results. People don’t buy tools, no matter how many bells and whistles, they want results. People don’t buy your fancy lifestyle, they want results. If they can’t afford you, just give them the training on how to do it. You lose nothing since they couldn’t afford you and would be a nightmare customer anyway. And those who can afford you, gladly pay top dollar— without you ever needing to beat your own chest or explain what you do in detail. Present yourself not as another expense- which clients seek to minimize- but as a profit increaser— which they want more of. Show them how your product or service drives that intended result, step by step, so we can measure the investment and return. Sell the sizzle, not the steak, say marketing gurus who know how to sell on emotion. But I say just give them the steak and let happy customers do your marketing for you. If it’s knowledge, distribute it for free via articles, webinars, social posts, and things that have zero marginal cost to you. If it’s your time, especially one-on-one private consultations, charge dearly for it, since that’s very expensive— you can’t get that back or create an asset from it. You’re a skilled doctor in what you do, not a used car salesman. So time to start acting the part.

Here’s why your sales approach isn’t working… Read More »

300,000 likes in just 3 hours

Dylan Collins‘ post got 300,000 likes on TikTok in the first 3 hours. See…/video/6793877980411219205 Key takeaways: It was on only 800,000 views, meaning that his 28% engagement rate is key to feeding the TikTok algo, which is more sensitive to engagement rates than any other social network. Nathan Triska posted it (a larger account with 7 million followers), so getting others to talk about you is key. This video is a reprisal of the original of 5 years ago, which got 30 million views. A “greatest hit” can continue to yield 100 times the original traffic if you “amplify” properly via influencers and go across multiple channels. The ROI here is soft, even if you project that this remake will gain another 20 million views this week across TikTok, Twitter, IG, and other channels. Sponsorships, private clients, and light ad revenue are the game here– not direct selling of products and services.

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Now Your Turn

A simple formula for your mission statement, LinkedIn headline, Twitter bio, and personal brand. I help X achieve Y by Z. X is your ideal customer.Y is the business result in you create.Z is the methods you use, preferably your named framework. I help local business owners drive local leads by systematizing their digital marketing. Now your turn…

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“Outsourcing” is one of our company’s biggest “secrets”

So many friends of mine have hired virtual assistants and it has made all the difference in their now thriving businesses. But there’s no magic– as you still need to take care of these people, though on the other side of the planet. And you still need clear business processes and training to integrate them. So if you don’t have a business, even having the most skillful, hardworking VAs won’t do you any good. You could get our course on how to find, hire, and train a VA– but that’s only one part of the solution. Do you have one or multiple virtual assistants yet?

“Outsourcing” is one of our company’s biggest “secrets” Read More »

I bet you can’t guess what network this is from without peeking at the top of the image…

They structure campaign objectives into 3 stages of the funnel– Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. And within these stages, they have objectives like awareness, lead generation, video views, and website visits. Facebook has the same ones, but it’s not Facebook. Google has the same ones, but it’s not Google. Twitter has the same ones, but it’s not Twitter. It’s LinkedIn! Is it because they’re copying each other? No, it’s because these are BUSINESS objectives that we as marketers and entrepreneurs need to be using to structure funnels that drive sales. If you recognize this pattern, you also recognize why your digital strategy needs to be CHANNEL-INDEPENDENT. That means you set up your Goals, Content, and Targeting (also known as your “strategy”)— and then distribute them across Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Email, and whatever. As a smart marketer, your relentless focus on the customer’s journey– solving their pain points and creating helpful “content” means that you don’t focus on channel-level minutiae. Besides, the pros know that all channels are converging into the same engine and same interface. So get your strategy right first before getting distracted in the weeds. Do you want to make a quick buck today off some hack that dies tomorrow or set a strategy that will generate results for you for years to come?

I bet you can’t guess what network this is from without peeking at the top of the image… Read More »

Remember I told you this was coming

The next wave of millionaires and billionaires is coming from the health sector. Baby boomers are getting older– leading to chronic health problems that traditional medicine (pills and surgery) doesn’t have an answer to. Growth-minded entrepreneurs and mid-career professionals are overworked and stressed out– facing problems that cannot be solved by more coffee and working harder. We all want to have whiter teeth, feel better, look better, make more money, provide for our families, and achieve “success”. You’re seeing a ton of “get rich quick” courses, peddled by breathless 21-year-olds– with 20 years of experience, about how easy it is. You’re going to see “Limitless” pills plastered in ads everywhere– and even mattress companies claiming they can give you a competitive edge. The winners (of which I hope you and I be in that group) will have these characteristics: + Massive social proof– not just celebrities with paid endorsements who are 3 degrees away, but friends causing their own friends to buy. + Cross-functional– you’ll see a wave of figureheads who are highly knowledgeable in business, fitness, medicine, public speaking, marketing, and so forth. This causes society’s definition of health to expand from just treating the sick to preventative care and maximizing peak performance. + Products that our services, and services that are products- You can “buy” physical products, but they will have subscriptions, online membership programs, and live events integrated. The next wave of influencers won’t be the rented Lambo type but tell emotionally powered stories that eventually lead to a product sale. I’ve been intentionally aligning myself with these folks since I know they need systematic digital marketing not to be “famous”, but because championing their cause (if I believe in it) leads to building a community, which leads to the purchase of products. Watch the billionaires start podcasts, sell courses (and even courses on how to create courses), peddle skin creams, and tell you about their membership programs. According to AARP, the average cost of having cancer is $150,000. This destroys health, wealth, and families at the same time– the financial and emotional burden is tremendous. And it’s not just on the patient herself. Your car insurance payment will be lower or disappear when self-driving cars eventually come around. But your healthcare costs will skyrocket. And that’s both with traditional medicine, as well as non-traditional forms– natural medicine and Eastern practices that range from good old-fashioned exercise to eating, impacting your microbiome, cellular-level hypoxia, and mental well-being. Remember I told you this was coming– as you start to hear more and more about these topics.

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