Dennis Yu


Make relationship decisions, business and personal, based on your long-term objectives.

A potential business partner just revealed himself this morning by not wanting to make plans beyond the next 30 days. If it’s a girl you’ve not gotten to know well or if it’s merely transactional in nature, like those rent-by-the-hour motels, then make sure she knows that’s how you see it and your intent. I’m

Make relationship decisions, business and personal, based on your long-term objectives. Read More »

The #1 productivity tip of the most successful people I know is that they manage interruptions.

When you allow people to interrupt you, they are controlling your time and priorities. Respond to true emergencies, which must be urgent and important. 99% of the interruptions you have are not important— they can wait and can go through email. Could you imagine if anytime someone had a random question or non-life threatening situation

The #1 productivity tip of the most successful people I know is that they manage interruptions. Read More »

Waterfalls, glaciers, and volcanos- are beautiful when you’re safe.

But they were deadly for expeditions back in the old days. The same is true for technology- wonderful for those who have mastery and deadly for the novice. Increasingly, I see motivational posts that claim you can have easy victory with just a strong attitude. But competency through experienced guides and putting in the effort

Waterfalls, glaciers, and volcanos- are beautiful when you’re safe. Read More »

When you are halfway down the runway and at 50% take-off speed, you must either accelerate full throttle or hit the brakes hard.

If you do either half-heartedly, slowly speed up, or gradually slow down, you will crash at the end of the runway. Startups and entrepreneurs are like planes taking off. Do your team members understand this dynamic and how it’s different from driving a bus cross-country? A plane can not only get there faster and safer

When you are halfway down the runway and at 50% take-off speed, you must either accelerate full throttle or hit the brakes hard. Read More »

The smartest agencies I know have more VIDEO EDITORS on staff than any other skill set.

Why? Because their clients need more video than images, copy, websites, engineering, or whatever. And these video people are also boosting posts, even though they’re not formally trained PPC people. Get with the times or be left behind– complaining about FB, just like the yellow pages and radio folks complained about the Internet.

The smartest agencies I know have more VIDEO EDITORS on staff than any other skill set. Read More »


The big brands are starting to realize that a good chunk of their media spend is being pocketed by the many middlemen along the way and what’s remaining (like nonprofit donations) is being wasted. Even MRC standards and bringing it in-house won’t alone solve the problem– they’re missing a clear process and strategy (goals, content,

Middlemen. Read More »

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