Dennis Yu


Store owners and local businesses– not everyone NEEDS to make it to your website.

In retail, we can and should expect that people who are exposed to our messaging, will just come into the store. The lower the price of the time, the less likely a consumer needs to have a website visit as an intermediate step. Consider the last time you had fast food or bought something at […]

Store owners and local businesses– not everyone NEEDS to make it to your website. Read More »

Andrew Cecere, you can do better

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Google his name and you’ll see that Mr. Cecere, the CEO of US Bank, is known for his massive compensation ($14 million in 2018) and not his heart. Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times reporter, covered how US Bank whitewashed a story of an employee they fired for

Andrew Cecere, you can do better Read More »

Google absolutely crushes other social networks and here’s why

Special thanks to It’s fashionable to say social is popular, while old dogs like Google are on the decline. You can cite a litany of failures in Wave, Google+, Orkut, Latitude, Buzz, or whatever. And you might note that Facebook will earn $4.8 billion in display ads this year versus Google’s $4 billion– pulling

Google absolutely crushes other social networks and here’s why Read More »

Perfect Audience Acquired by Marin Software and What It Really Means

The real story is that native retargeting via Facebook and Google kills their business as a stand-alone. And the bigger picture is that retargeting is not just an add-on to PPC, but revolutionizes how we all need to think about advertising. It now means we must integrate marketing automation with our paid search. And thus,

Perfect Audience Acquired by Marin Software and What It Really Means Read More »

What converts best: Facebook or LinkedIn? Here are the results…

Interestingly, Facebook mobile converts slightly better than desktop newsfeed, but it depends on the product you’re selling, the content you’re promoting, and how much you’re asking for on the landing page. The right-hand side ads fared poorly here but delivered the most clicks and the highest share of new visitors. Of course, new visitors convert at a

What converts best: Facebook or LinkedIn? Here are the results… Read More »

Whoops, I forgot that you can’t promote a Google+ URL on Facebook

The Infusionsoft and Content Factory folks are doing a Google Hangout tomorrow. So naturally, we promoted it to fans of Content Factory and Infusionsoft. Well, we tried to. I forgot that you can’t promote G+ on Facebook, in the same way that you can’t mention Facebook in your ad. Ironically, you can promote your Facebook

Whoops, I forgot that you can’t promote a Google+ URL on Facebook Read More »

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