My secrets for getting on the biggest stages, which will work for you, too.
Watch this.
My secrets for getting on the biggest stages, which will work for you, too. Read More »
If you want to dominate Google search on your name, your location, and other long-tail searches, you MUST check out this tip on how to manipulate wiki data for the answer box and knowledge graph. Take the first position and block out ads, too. Watch this.
Use your iPhone to gather the killer b-roll that just isn’t possible from the back of the room or from a fixed location. With a b-roll, you’re looking to get a few snippets you can use in a speaker reel, promo video, or other pieces. You don’t need the audio from it or the entire
This is how to record another speaker from on stage. Read More »
Any more than a surgeon asks the patient what surgery to perform or what scalpels to use. You should do the same in your line of work, not allowing your customers to dictate how things are done. Let them specify the goal, while they trust you on the tactics. If you’re just selling your time
We don’t make our clients figure out what needs to be done. Read More »
Let me tell you the secret, which is so painfully obvious, but almost nobody ever does. Make friends with other speakers by meeting them in person. Honor them by studying their content, and practicing what they preach— before you ever ask for a favor. And asking for their time is a favor, even if it’s
People ask me how they can get to speak at T&C, SMMW, and other conferences. Read More »
This is what you say when your friends hit you up for free consulting. After all, you’re a social media marketing pro, and social media is free– so your help is free, too, right? You and I spend all day long just hanging out on Twitter and Facebook doing teenager-type stuff– not anything important. So
One of the most powerful phrases I know Read More »
They’d kick you off campus if you wore Adidas going into a meeting. When Carl’s Jr. was a client, I ate their Western bacon cheeseburgers all the time. In Vegas, I try to stay at MGM-owned properties, to honor the client. Not just because they are a client, but because I have been a fan
When Nike hired us, I always wore Nikes. Read More »
I wanted to know the key to his success and how he’s able to manage that many people, without things falling apart. I was expecting to hear some “deep strategy” or mind-blowing realization. Instead, he simply told me to make sure people show up– on time and ready to play. The fanciest of plans don’t
I asked the CEO of a company of 500,000 employees for advice. Read More »
Say thank you often and honestly. When you are in a state of gratitude, you have massive personal power. Armed with that power, you get into a “mission mindset” to help others. And then they do something magical for you- they reciprocate. You get 5 to 10 times back what you put in. They make
Want to know the most powerful thing you can do to accelerate your business? Read More »
Doctor, I won’t tell you what’s wrong or let you examine me. I just want to know your hourly rate, so I can shop for whoever is cheapest. I don’t believe in following your tried-and-true process of collecting vitals, performing a diagnosis, and then coming up with a treatment plan. My ailment is completely unique,