Dennis Yu


How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs

Know how to instantly tell an expert from an amateur? The expert spends 90% of their time practicing the fundamentals and only 10% of their time doing “pro” stuff. The amateur spends 90% of their time trying to do the “pro” stuff while ignoring the fundamentals. The amateur marketer chases tricks and hacks. The amateur

How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs Read More »

Why you need a good mentor to succeed, and how to get one

Do you feel as though you’re working tirelessly with little to no progress being made? You want to succeed so badly, but it’s very difficult if you’re relying upon your own knowledge and your own network. Luckily, there’s another person who wants to see you succeed, and who can help you grow and realize more

Why you need a good mentor to succeed, and how to get one Read More »

My #1 productivity tip, which I’m often guilty of violating….

Get your work done first– THEN check Facebook. Let’s be honest– what’s more important, stuff on your list that you KNOW you need to get done or mindlessly scrolling through Facebook for whatever random stuff you might find? Most people scroll through Facebook as an avoidance technique– to put off that one scary thing they

My #1 productivity tip, which I’m often guilty of violating…. Read More »

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