Dennis Yu

How Tristan Parmley of The Lead Cure Tricked Me

BlitzMetrics is a digital marketing agency that partners with schools to train young adults. As the CEO, I’ve built this company exhaustively and I’ve been mentoring young individuals, assisting students to grow their expertise to manage social campaigns for enterprise clients like the Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone, and helping them accomplish their dreams for over two decades now. Tristan, a promising young adult who was installed as CEO, had helped build his network and had his debts. He is a hard worker and a highly intelligent individual. As a 20-something, he has the potential for a long career ahead of him if he stops digging a hole, can swallow his pride, and honors relationships. If the ethics of what he did doesn’t convince him, maybe the law will. Tristan Parmley and I each own 47.5% of ChiroRevenue. Together we spent about a year building the team and our clientele, utilizing BlitzMetrics systems, income, and my own personal finances to subsidize the ChiroRevenue agency while our clientele was insufficient to cover expenses. Investing in marketing, systems, and people is normal for digital agencies. Tristan didn’t think this through at all. Every client that we have is valuable to us. We’ve built a long-lasting business relationship with every one of our clients. He created a new company named “Lead Cure” (a rebranding of ChiroRevenue) and stole everything from ChiroRevenue so that he could pretend that he built it on his own.  On Monday, April 12, 2021, Tristan has planned to absorb “ChiroRevenue” into Lead Cure, LLC and redistribute equity of Lead Cure, LLC with the following terms that I, Dennis Yu, and Tristan Parmley will each receive 20% equity. On Monday, April 12, 2021, Tristan wanted to begin the week with these updates before transitioning to Lead Cure, LLC: On Wednesday, Apr 21, 2021, Tristan was unable to translate to delivery because packages were sold last August, and blamed me for it. He says that he inherited a mess that was caused by failure to deliver. Tristan stated that once he got over $30,000 in MRR, he will not even roll out the Campaign Machine. And they should be onboarding clients. New Submission from BlitzMetrics Partner Re: Admin Changes ChiroRevenue -> Lead Cure On Tue, Apr 13, 2021, this shows that the new team has already started receiving payments, which means that they are “officially hired” as the new starting team. As stated below, they are ready to move client assets from ChiroRevenue to Lead Cure. He is converting the ChiroRevenue, Youtube, and Facebook pages so that they don’t have to restart. They also plan to start with Youtube and Facebook for its long-form content teaching Marketing, Operations, and Sales LIVE. “I’m happy to teach the Operations, but I’m not seasoned with brewing kool-aid from a ‘Marketing’ perspective to get people what they want and to do things on a whim– that’s where Dennis is a pro.” – Tristan Parmley  This is the one whom I mentored for years. Backstabbing me. He should know that there are consequences to these things. Time will tell. On Tues, Apr 13, 2021, Tristan purposely excluded me from this. Not one of them is new– it’s 100% theft and transfer. On Mon, Apr 12, 2021, Tristan has already assigned tasks to his new team using the project management tool Click Up. It was in early February that Tristan hatched a plan to transfer clients out of our project management tool that only he has access to. In April, he changed the name to Lead Cure and declared that he had a 7-figure agency, and locked everyone out. On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, Tristan said that he is not building a project management tool. He implied that they are just building the box that has some of these features and triggers. On Tue, Feb 2, 2021, Tristan also stated that they would need to GET WAY from BaseCamp as quickly as possible. On Monday, April 5th, without warning or discussion, decided to throw away our project management system, Basecamp, and switch to ClickUp. We’ve built significant processes here to tie together multiple tools. So a completely new system is too much, too fast, while being unavailable for the better part of a week. Re: Team & Company Decisions On Fri Apr 9, 2021, Tristan stated that BlitzMetrics and ChiroRevenue clients, deliverables, payroll, and teams are 100% separated. ChiroRevenue will sunset as mentioned. Rebranding as Lead Cure, LLC. Finalizing the current content we have in the queues. Moving the final folders and tasks to Click Up. Upgraded our systems, team, and vision with the Black Diamond Club.

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How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs

Know how to instantly tell an expert from an amateur? The expert spends 90% of their time practicing the fundamentals and only 10% of their time doing “pro” stuff. The amateur spends 90% of their time trying to do the “pro” stuff while ignoring the fundamentals. The amateur marketer chases tricks and hacks. The amateur golfer wants to hit from the black tees. The amateur health nut focuses on fad diets and pills. The amateur author/speaker/coach dreams of speaking on the big stage, instead of quietly honing their craft. Their attention is seeking out celebrities to snap “validation” pictures with celebrities, instead of letting the experts testify to their competence. A true expert has massive depth– like an iceberg with 90% below the water, unseen. True expert publishes because they are compelled to serve and share, with publicity as a necessary evil. A true expert has a loyal following with demonstrated proof of their published how-to process. Are you focusing on merely how you look or on truly improving who are you? The fundamentals of digital marketing are getting your GCT (goals, content, targeting) right. That’s what we teach and what I spend most of my time working on. It’s not flashy, but highly profitable. I’ve taught over 500 workshops in the last 20 years. And nearly every time, the ones we list as “experts” with the “latest” tricks and secret algorithmic updates are the ones that pack the room. But when we actually deliver that material, we lose the audience and they are unhappy– especially the ones who represent themselves as a pro (a clear sign that they are not). Yet when we teach the fundamentals, people say their minds are blown, largely because these are pieces they’ve been missing all along. And then this drives results. Drive for show, putt for dough, as the golfers like to say. I am enamored with folks like Ryan Deiss, Michael Stelzner, and Shawn Collins who teach based on their own execution. They focus on the step-by-step HOW TO, like expert chefs that have time-tested recipes for the most requested meals.

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What I’ve learned going through 20 of the most popular course-selling courses

I think I’m going to throw up. The number of people selling courses on how to sell a course is mind-boggling. And I’ve forced myself to go through about 20 of the most popular ones to see what they’re doing. Here’s what I’ve learned if you’re curious: + 95% of this is hype designed to make you salivate– like dangling a steak in front of a stray dog that hasn’t eaten a full meal in weeks. + The endless Lambos, exotic travel vids, and “freedom” is a total lie– yes, there is a lot of money to be made, but you still have to work and invest, like any other real business. + The people selling the courses don’t have experience in producing actual results other than claims of how much money they’ve made in getting people to buy their course on how to sell a course. + I could offer a course on how to make $1,000,000….. Interested? The price is $1,000,000, of course, lol. + I’ve sat through the 90-minute “live” webinars, waiting patiently through the “struggle”, “lifestyle breakthrough to riches”, and mindset motivation (I’m an ordinary guy who did it, so you can, too)… to eventually get to real value. But alas– it never comes. + There is a shred of truth to the “$375 million a day of online revenue being made per day– claim your slice” argument. But this is just another flavor of the “make money online” biz opp. Same clown, different circus– sucker born every minute. + The reason you only hear from the sole figurehead and nobody else is that their students aren’t winning. I’ve Googled to find their reviews and it’s not pretty. + But if I get you excited enough, you’ll not do the due diligence– since you’re panting about what you’d do with that extra $57,383 a month. You need to buy TODAY to get the 3 bonuses and 50% off the price. Would you buy heart surgery from the self-proclaimed surgeon offering it at 50% off, today only? + Yes, imposter syndrome is real– that the pros feel they aren’t really experts. But for the 99% of people who feel they don’t know enough to be competently able to dispense advice– you’re right! You could watch as many “motivational” videos to pump yourself up as a newly minted surgeon– but that extra confidence won’t stop you from killing your patients. + Would you trust someone who says they can teach you how to start a heart surgery business in just 6 modules you watch over the weekend– so you can start operating tomorrow? $2,000 is a great price if you can make $500,000 or even $700,000 a month, while actually healing patients. + And when you look over the course outline, what you find is 90% of the content is more “mindset” and teaching you how to sell the very same way you were just sold– instead of actually teaching you the practice. This is called a PONZI scheme. And many of these folks will go to jail– you watch. Thus, they’re just repackaging our Facebook ads course + PLF + perfect webinar for their particular niche– 5,000 people all selling the same thing– hope. So why not skip past all that expensive, heart-breaking fluff to get to the actual meat– to go to the source? You don’t have to drop $2,500 to attend yet another seminar (unless you enjoy feeling perpetually “motivated”), since the information is already online and almost all of it is free. I want to see YOU actually win, so I provide most of our methods free– in the same way you can go to the library to read medical textbooks and journals. The surgeons aren’t gasping at HEART SURGERY SECRETS taught only at midnight in a medical school. I want to teach you the fundamentals from my 23 years and 70,000 hours of digital marketing experience– and I was running million-dollar-a-day teams before these children were even born. The folks who actually are making money online– we all know one another and we have actual teams, processes, customers, overhead, and stuff you’d find in any type of real business– online or not. Does any of this resonate with you?

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Take care of your people to avoid a situation like this

I just found out that my co-founder, who already stole a client from us, is now trying to steal another one of our top clients. But rather than get mad or try to enforce the non-compete, I view this as an opportunity to make sure we are on our toes, delivering amazing value. After all, like Ajay Kandala of Tuft & Needle told me as he was luring my co-founder away, if I did a better job in caring for our people, they wouldn’t leave. He absolutely has a great point there. It takes two to tango, bro, he added— that even though he tried to lure my partner away, it took both of them to agree. My number #1 lesson here— your competitive advantage is in your people, not your business strategy, money in the bank, or non-relationship assets. Make sure, as you’re working so hard to grow your business, that you watch the back door and always take care of your people first. I don’t believe the customer is always right. A bad client will lose you, great people, as I’ve seen with this mattress company. Take care of your people, even if it means firing a client— even one that is a well-known brand.

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Fraud in the name of God

The Wall Street Journal published an article about how some authors get on bestseller lists by pre-buying books. One of the main perpetrators is ResultSource in San Diego, which has a cozy clientele of mega pastors and the religious right. Tyndale, Crossway, Harper Collins Christian, and other large Christian publishers have regularly used these tactics. Until they are willing to declare such practices unethical, you can expect this to continue. The rationale to manipulate rankings makes sense– guys like David Jeremiah and Mark Driscoll note that they otherwise wouldn’t get the attention. In niche markets, selling 3,000 copies is often enough to make a New York Times best-seller list. Yet bulk orders and free copies shouldn’t count the same as individual purchases, even if these bulk orders are funneled through buying networks disguised to look like authentic purchases. Pre-buying books are the equivalent of buying Facebook fans and Twitter followers. Promoting yourself as a New York Times best-selling author definitely drives follow-on sales, lucrative speaking gigs, general cachet, and the whiff of sweet prosperity. It’s no different than gaming your Alexa ranking, buying links for tricky Google SEO, or embellishing your resume. But this unethical behavior by the most self-righteous of people backfires– undermining their cause. It’s like the cheaters who are calling for Brian William’s head– that he should be kicked off NBC. And it led to the downfall of Mars Hill Church, perhaps not indirectly, but a compounding of manipulating people, media, and book sales. In the shared economy, where we crowdsource opinions and make decisions by relying upon the preferences of others, do you expect such behavior to be more rampant? Likewise, do you trust people who are acutely image-conscious and actively seek the public spotlight? Personal branding is neither good nor evil, used by hypocritical maniacs and good people alike. I was recently asked to join an exclusive club for folks who have a 70+ Klout score. Aside from whether Klout is even an accurate measure of influence, the notion of hanging around influencers is silly. It’s wanting to join Mensa to hang out with other high-IQ people (I’m guilty of trying this). What matters is not your intellect, but what you stand for. I could hang around a bunch of people with a Klout of 80, but if they’re influential about car repair, home furnishings, or things I don’t care about, it’s no good. Likewise, having a bunch of random followers on a social network or nameless people who bought a book (but didn’t read it), is pointless.

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