It’s better to be kind than right.
Today, I spent time with a small conference organizer who asked us to speak at his event. Because he said he was in alignment with our mission to teach UNTERNS, we were willing to come to teach at our expense– he wouldn’t have to cover travel or pay a speaking fee. More than half an […]
Folks like Jay Baer and Gary Vaynerchuk know, preach, and practice the simple, yet hidden, fact that when you do things for other people, they reciprocate.
I get hit up dozens of times each day by strangers asking for favors, before making friends or creating mutual value. The ones who create value for me stand out. When I was getting started, I’d do good things for people I respected before ever asking for anything. Imagine how this truism, if widely practiced, […]
Make today one of confidence, friends!
15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do
The “secret” I’ve learned in social media…
Don’t toot your own horn– have others do it for you!
You’re selective about choosing a wife or significant other, so why not apply the same care to a business partner?
You’ll be spending more time at work than at home. #onlygoodpeople
Guard your time ruthlessly.
These moments add up, such that wasting time is like committing mini-suicide over and over again. Mari Smith taught me to say yes only to “heck yes” meetings. No to everything else.
This one guy hits me up 6 times a day trying to sell me fake Instagram followers– 5,000 for only $750.
It’s the best price I’ll get anywhere, he exclaims. I tell him that I want REAL followers who resonate with my content, believe in my mission, and want to be in a community of like-minded people. But so-and-so has 17.5 million followers and is doing a celebrity giveaway. You could get another 100,000 followers if […]
How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs
Know how to instantly tell an expert from an amateur? The expert spends 90% of their time practicing the fundamentals and only 10% of their time doing “pro” stuff. The amateur spends 90% of their time trying to do the “pro” stuff while ignoring the fundamentals. The amateur marketer chases tricks and hacks. The amateur […]
Jason Miller is the True Rockstar of Content Marketing
Jason A. Miller is literally a rockstar, as he is a full-time photographer and has a full-time gig running content marketing globally for LinkedIn. He has a book, filled with photos of rock legends and the stories behind them. I first met Jason when he was at Marketo, after having a 10-year career in the […]