Dennis Yu

28X ROI with Facebook Ads Dollar-a-Day Strategy

Meet my buddy, Jeff Lambert, a savvy business owner who recently experienced a significant boost in his online sponsorship course sales – all thanks to the power of the Dollar-a-Day strategy and Facebook ads. Jeff’s course, priced at $100, was doing well, but he wanted to take it to the next level. That’s when he stumbled upon my Dollar a Day program, a game-changer in Facebook advertising. Jeff decided to give it a shot, investing a mere $7 in targeted Facebook ads. The result? A fantastic one to two sales per ad! Imagine the return on investment here – the kind of math that excites every entrepreneur. This success story underscores the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of running Facebook ads when you leverage the right strategies. Jeff increased his sales and gained valuable insights into optimizing his advertising efforts. So, small business owners, take note! The Dollar-a-Day strategy is more than just a program; it’s a key to unlocking the potential of your Facebook ads and making them work for you. Jeff’s experience is proof that a minimal investment can yield significant returns. Ready to elevate your business game? Try the Dollar a Day strategy today and watch your success story unfold.

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The Power of Google Alerts and Authentic Expertise for Business Success

Every morning, I get these notifications from Google alerts about my name and the companies I’m involved with. Now, some might find this a bit strange, but let me break down why I find these Google alerts really important: Expressing Gratitude and Celebrating Success I’m not just checking these alerts for the fun of it. I’m actually on a mission to spread some good vibes. You know, when I see stuff about my clients, partners, and team members doing awesome things, I make it a point to give them a virtual high-five. It’s not just about saying, “Hey, great job!” It’s about showing off their cool skills and celebrating their successes for the world to see. And you know what’s cool about this? It’s like hitting the gratitude button in your brain. Feeling thankful is a superpower—it’s like a positive energy boost. Seeing all these achievements makes me realize that I’m surrounded by a bunch of rock stars who are all on my side. It’s like a team of champions working together to kick some digital marketing butt. So, it’s not just about checking off alerts; it’s about soaking up that gratitude goodness. It’s like a reminder that we’re all in this together, pushing each other to be awesome. And let me tell you, being grateful isn’t just a nice thing to do—it’s like rocket fuel for your positivity and success mindset. It’s the secret sauce that keeps me motivated and connected. Data-Driven Content Direction These alerts they’re like my secret weapon for staying in the loop. I mean, in this wild world of the internet, things change faster than you can say “digital revolution.” And keeping up with the ebb and flow of what’s being shared, liked, and talked about is like having my finger on the pulse of the digital cosmos. Now, here’s the kicker—I’m no psychic. I might think I have these brilliant ideas that are going to rock the digital landscape, but guess what? The reality check is often a bit humbling. My gut feeling isn’t always spot on. That’s where the magic of data comes in. Those alerts? They’re like a treasure chest of data-driven insights that tell me what’s actually clicking with people out there. Do you know what’s cool about data? It’s like the truth serum of the internet. It doesn’t care about my grand ideas or what I think is awesome. It just lays out the facts plain and simple. So, when I peek into those alerts and see what’s getting the thumbs up, it’s like a reality check that keeps me grounded. It’s like a roadmap showing me the way that people are actually moving. Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. Remember that “Dollar a Day Strategy” that you might have heard of? Yeah, that’s my digital calling card, my claim to fame. But not everything I touch turns into gold. Take the “Topic Wheel” concept, for instance. I gave it my all, but it didn’t quite set the digital world ablaze like I hoped it would. And you know what? That’s just how the digital cookie crumbles sometimes. And this is where those alerts earn their keep. They’re like a trusty compass, showing me which paths are paved with gold and which might need a bit of rerouting. I’ve learned to embrace the lessons from both hits and misses. It’s not about being right all the time; it’s about letting the data guide the way and being open to unexpected twists and turns. Practicing What You Preach These alerts aren’t just pixels on a screen; they’re like treasure maps guiding me toward golden insights. You see, sifting through these alerts isn’t just a mindless ritual—it’s like assembling the building blocks of a secret code. And what’s the secret code, you ask? It’s all about documenting what’s actually working, turning it into these nifty Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that anyone can pick up and follow. Why go through the trouble, you might wonder? It’s all about keeping the gears of progress greased and ready to roll. Imagine having a guidebook filled with battle-tested strategies, proven tactics, and data-backed insights. That’s what these SOPs become—a sort of digital playbook that lets anyone on our team tap into the collective genius of our journey. And here’s where things get really interesting—I’m not just about lip service. I believe in practicing what I preach, walking the talk, and doing more than just parroting what others say. I mean, let’s face it—anyone can toss around buzzwords and catchphrases. But it’s a whole different ball game when you’ve got skin in the game when you’re sharing not just theories but tales of trials and triumphs. Think of it as this: when I blend my own experiences with the wisdom of the wizards I admire, it’s like crafting a magic potion of credibility. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’ve been there, done that, and I’ve got the scars and stories to prove it.” This fusion of real-life know-how and proven methodologies is like a potent elixir that makes us more than just credible—it makes us invaluable. So, you see, those Google Alerts aren’t just digital blips; they’re breadcrumbs leading me toward a treasure trove of wisdom. It’s about taking the triumphs, the tumbles, and the insights that pop up on my radar and turning them into a roadmap for anyone eager to follow in our footsteps. It’s about proving that it’s not about the talk—it’s about the walk, the action, and the blend of authenticity and expertise that sets us apart in this digital wilderness. We no longer need to “sell” because others are doing it for us, and our expertise shows through.

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Dollar a Day Strategy

How I Grew Gavin Lira From 12 Followers to 18,000 Using the Dollar-a-Day Strategy

Wondering how some people rise above the noise and get a high following on their social media accounts? Let me show you how I grew Gavin Lira’s account from 12 followers to 18,000 using the “Facebook for a Dollar-a-Day strategy.”

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Marketing Is What People Say About You

When I opened my laptop this morning and saw this comment, I got pink. Your marketing should be what others say about you like HubSpot is sharing the Dollar a Day Strategy. Everyone should know Dollar-a-Day Facebook Ad Strategy. So, stop blowing your own horn. Almost everyone gets this wrong. Reframe your view of “marketing” from YOU cranking out stuff to promoting what others say about you. You do 90% of the work if you have customers that love you. You need to collect, repurpose, and amplify these assets, so they can continue to live forever. Hence, the whole point is to uplift others, not just shameless self-promotion. And then your Content Factory will continue to operate without you needing to “launch campaigns” all the time. What do you think of this strategy?

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Decouple Content Production from Content Distribution

Here is a dirty little secret. It takes ten times longer to upload, edit, coordinate, QA, post, and cross-post than to make the content itself. I recorded a 5-minute video yesterday on TikTok ads that will be turned into an article and a set of social media posts, editing and distributing them into many channels (blog, book, podcast, Facebook, LinkedIn, email, TikTok, etc.) But it will take over an hour, even with Descript, Jasper, and other AI tools, to get it processed. I did a killer 90-minute training with John Jonas on how he built a site with 2 million virtual assistants and how to hire your own VAs to do your marketing.  But it will take 2-3 weeks to turn around this episode, maybe longer because of follow-ups and confusion from many cooks in the kitchen. Grant Cardone made a one-minute video for me on how to make a one-minute video.  Ironic. But it will take days to run it through the Content Factory and turn it into social media posts that we boost for a Dollar a Day. The dread of how long it takes to go through this whole thing prevents you from making content, even if you use Fiverr or have an army of VAs. But what if you needed only 1/10th the time? Create Content Factory Would you be willing to make more content like a “walk and talk” in your morning exercise routine, a 15-second tip while you’re driving (hands-free and safely, of course), or a 5-minute “how to” after a frustrating client meeting? A galloping horde of robots is coming our way, eagerly peddling their automation and tools, proclaiming content nirvana. It’s all a lie. Because there is no one tool that “does it all,” even though these software companies put their logo in the center of a diagram with spokes outward to all the other tools they integrate with or replace. And the social media agencies incessantly bang on our doors, hoping we’ll buy their packages attractively dressed up like Girl Scout Cookies. But mindlessly posting content X times per week on Y social media channels is dumping more turds into the punchbowl. No amount of fake followers or bogus influencer campaigns will drive sales. And you know it. They’re robots, too, just more expensive. The solution, which is not available for $1,997 or a “secret” mastermind, is to build your Content Factory to process the content you and your customers create. Check out the Content Factory, a process more than a focus on any particular tool. It will change how you think about marketing. I think you’ll find that it’s more about the process to extract what’s in your head. We are decoupling content production from content distribution. Sshhh! The social media “experts” will get mad if you know this. What used to cost us $500 per episode to edit by humans using expensive software over a week now costs $1 and takes 3 minutes. Automatically trimming the “um’s” and “ah’s,” cleaning up the sound, transcribing, creating social snippets, etc. Are you excited to finally get your Content Factory going and have the wool lifted from your eyes?

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Everything I Do is Content Production

I just came to a weird realization. Everything I do is content production. Attend a meeting, respond to an email, write a few lines of code, build a landing page, film a course, negotiate a contract, speak on stage, run an ad campaign, and even make this post. It’s just content production. Contrast that with someone that builds physical products or renders a physical service, where you have physical raw materials, equipment, and inventory. Because I don’t render a physical product or service (except those clever face socks), I’m a VA. A few friends have stated that I’m the world’s most prominent VA since we have hired an army of them and helped others employ many more. But if you are a coach, consultant, speaker, author, counselor, or service provider, are you not a VA too? Why Content Production is Impactful Most of your job is content production, even if you are technically an attorney or a doctor. If so, the maximum leverage of your time is to produce “content” instead of processing it, posting it across many channels, or promoting it. I want to redefine VA as the latter three stages while we, as practitioners, are in the first stage. If you agree, perhaps we should all be staffing our Content Factories with VAs to handle those three other stages. My life mission is to create a million jobs for international workers to serve us in this way. I have explained “how”; it has an embedded video explaining the people, processes, and platforms to enable this for us all. How to have a significant impact on small ad budgets? It’s just such an intelligent way to manage risk for people that are risk-averse and hate losing money on ads. Do a dollar-a-day strategy against your top content that has worked with organic; also have 1-minute video ads that drive eyeballs to the top content. What do you think?

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4 Hidden Secrets Behind Incredible Content

Building an empire over social media seems different and challenging. However, there are some hidden secrets behind social media which few people can get. Every individual who wants to build a social network for their personal brand is working hard to fit into the system. Making content is more straightforward than uploading, coordinating, posting, and cross-posting. For example, yesterday, I recorded a 5-minute video on TikTok ads, and it turned out to be an article and a set of social media posts. It took about an hour with the Jasper, Descript, and utilizing other AI tools to manage it.  It took me almost an hour of a training session with John Jonas about how he created a site with 2 million virtual assistants and how one can hire his own VAs to do the marketing. The episode further will take 2-3 weeks to create a boom in the market, or it might take longer than usual because of some confusion since there are so many different ideas circulating in the scene. A Minute Hurdle *hidden secrets* It is rather amusing that Grant Cardone makes me a one-minute video about how to create a video that is one minute longer. But it must consume days to move it by the Content Factory to turn into social media posts that we enhance for a Dollar a Day. There is only one thing that can stop you from creating content: fear of timelessness or how long it will take to go through all this confusion and mess despite having an army of VAs. A Fool’s Paradise *hidden secrets* But if somebody gave you 1/10th the time, would you still be eager to create more content, just like walking and talking in daily routine, or it might be a 15-second suggestion between driving a car, or it might be those ‘’how to’’ 5 minutes after a frustrating meeting with a client. If we imagine a single instrument that can accomplish everything, we are in a fool’s paradise. Even so, some software companies may display their logo in the center of the layout, with spokes extending outward to represent all the other tools they replace. No doubt, there are some hidden secrets behind social media. Honesty is the Best Policy *hidden secrets* Our doors are constantly being pounded by social media companies pleading with us to buy their packages, enticingly disguised as Girl Scout Cookies. We are putting other turds into the punch bowl by mindlessly posting on social media, such as X pieces of weekly content on Y social media channels.  No number of false followers or influencer marketing campaigns on social media will increase sales, and everyone is aware of this. They might even be robots and more expensive. Be Your Own Master *hidden secrets* Create your Content Factory to process the content you and your customers create. This is the only solution that does not cost $1,997 or require access to a hidden mastermind. In the same way that I don’t want to learn how to fix my car but also don’t want to be ripped off by a technician, someone who is too busy to learn about tools might want to look at the Content Factory method.  You’ll probably discover that it’s more about the procedure to get what’s in your head extracted, altered, and released through various channels. We are separating the creation of material from its dissemination; don’t tell the social media “experts” though; they’ll lose their cool. It now only costs $1 and takes 3 minutes to edit an episode instead of $500 per episode and a week of labor-intensive, expensive software. The ums and ahs are automatically removed, and the sound is cleaned up. You are producing social snippets, transcription, etc. Are you now excited to finally get your Content Factory going and have the wool lifted from your eyes? The purpose of the Content Factory is to create your content with people who are working for you and will do everything on their own because you hired them and trained them according to your brand requirements. So, what you need to do is learn the process. And the process is about how to build your own Content Factory.

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Dollar-a-Day to Boost Social Media Posts

Here’s the solution– and it doesn’t require having a big following. Involve other people to get their engagement on your posts– talk about them, not you. Engage on other people’s posts, so they engage on yours– don’t expect everyone to come to you first. Dollar-a-Day Strategy And finally, use my Dollar a Day strategy to boost any post you have to any audience you want to reach on any social media channel, potential clients, the media, your wife, people in your industry, etc. Use dollar a day on either super-targeted influencer posts or sales-related posts to avoid Facebook dropping down and stopping organic reach on pages.

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social media

Social Media Strategy to Drive SEO

Just because you’re on TV doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about. I was on CNN in front of 3.5 million people, talking about Facebook’s data privacy and how easily you can manipulate the media for just a Dollar a Day. It’s scary that people make decisions based on “perceived authority” instead of actual authority. It must be true because it comes from someone with a blue check mark or many followers. Indeed, you can use social media to build your perceived authority, like the Dollar a Day course which Alex Berman and I remade. But more powerful than that is to build your actual authority– to do such a great job for customers that they rave about you. Collect and distribute their feedback across all channels, using Dollar a Day to promote it. Build your own “Content Factory” (an upcoming course), so your marketing machine runs by itself. And if several people talking about you happen to drive you some PR (perhaps you use Dollar a Day to target the media), then hats off! Get your knowledge out there– via your example, openly, and via checklists others can follow. I’m here to elevate the experts in their field who practice what they preach, not the talking heads trying to become famous. Social media strategy Want to know what is my simple strategy to get engagement? Share your expertise via stories that nobody else but you can tell. Authority comes from your direct experience, not re-quoting somebody else. Freely publish what you know– since the right people (who see value) will come to you. There are no salespeople in the emergency room. Here’s something that even “SEO experts” don’t know… Your SEO is your reputation. What people say about you is Search Engine Optimization. The people who charge money for SEO will now want to argue with me here– listing out all their favorite tools and techno-babble about how clients couldn’t possibly do SEO. They need to hire an expert in SEO to do this for them, right? NOPE– except for rare circumstances where you have a large site or complex technical issues requiring someone like Steve Wiideman or Damon Burton to solve– 99% of SEO produces compelling content that people want to share. If you’re an industry expert like Glenn Vo in dental, then you’re interviewing the leaders in your industry, creating a group of 30,000 dental professionals.  When these pros talk about you, Google sees these signals, which generates more traffic for you from Google. And that’s SEO, which is the RESULT of your actions, not the activity! I hope this saves you a ton of headaches and wasted money from people who would love to sell you snake oil. If you are one of these peddlers, feel free to argue with me. I built the analytics at a search engine over 20 years ago– and my job was protecting users from SEOs trying to manipulate the search results. Your SEO is proof of who you are and what you’ve done. That social media proof is undeniable and is a phenomenal currency. There’s an argument here that SEO is only the optimization you do that search engines need to find your good stuff– That’s what the acronym stands for. Traffic and opportunities from having a well-ranked site are nothing if you don’t start with taking care of people. The BEST SEO advice I ever learned was in the 1900s from Stephen Mahoney of Planet Ocean. “Build your website for the people that will be your customers over the next 10 years. SEO technical details may change, but people will always be looking for good information from reliable sources” Stephen Mahoney When we aim to help people with the best quality we can, we still need to help search engines find it. If we keep our priorities straight, SEO, social, and marketing are essential tools to accomplish those goals. Three core pillars of SEO: Most gains come from content and external credibility but are further supported by the solid site structure from which the content and external credibility bounce. Unless someone messes with the website after, good site structure is mostly one-and-done. Then start building that relevance and credibility through content. One of my friends is pitching a roofing company in Cincinnati They have 5-star, 115 reviews (10X more than their competition), and over 2k followers on FB with good engagement. GBP is optimized, and they make posts. And their business listings are 95% accurate on 30 or so directories.  However, they barely cracked three packs of zip code cards and finished 64th overall in the city of Cincinnati. Looking at their site, it’s a mess. Google has indexed it. It’s only five pages, and the content is sparse. It would be the case for technical SEO with On-site optimization, content, and backlinks. SEO Implication A friend showed me the five radiology clinics she paid $2,500 a month for SEO. This SEO agency had done NOTHING for its clinics. Here’s one more kicker. One of my friend’s clients is a $25 million company, and they have one Google review, and he got 9. He has been in business for six years now. And they are 15 years in business and have 1 Google review. Correct – that’s ONE of the several aspects of SEO (offsite SEO, SEO PR, link building… you name it). But a site that sucks at on-site SEO and cannot receive “the juice” correctly is less effective than one optimized (BTW, you can rank even better than some competitors without links). Ironically, my course on making short-form videos is 2.5 hours long. I do SEO audits all day, but my website is broken. I preach the power of personal branding, but I make zero effort to build my brand. I tell other agencies to double their prices, but mine has been the same for the last ten years. Some people will look at this and say that the cobbler’s son has no shoes. Or

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Dollar-A-Day Strategy is a KILLER on Twitter

I saw this in my Twitter ads this afternoon…$0.007 cost per engagement in the ad below– less than a penny. 40.4% engagement rate– meaning nearly half the people who saw it clicked ‘Like’, commented, or shared. Normally 1% is pretty good for an ad. When you make one-minute selfie videos with someone well-known and target that person in your ads, your relevancy is sky-high. If you can’t meet them in person, get them on Zoom– perhaps via your podcast. If I made a video with Rich Schefren and targeted Rich Schefren on any network, my CTR and engagement will be off the charts. And then, if I choose lead generation or conversion as my campaign objective, I’m hacking the system to drive low-cost sales. But if the person I’m co-creating content with doesn’t have much of an audience, there is not enough for the algo to work with. But, they don’t have to be A-list celebrities. I’ve found that having 20,000 to a million is about the sweet spot– since it usually correlates to a niche but not so big that their audience is too diffuse (which then is better to sell potato chips). I’ve spent a billion dollars on Dollar-a-Day ads– and it works in every industry, especially service businesses. The key ingredient is one-minute videos with what we call LIGHTHOUSES— people respected by the clients you’d like to reach. And the best campaign objective to choose is leads, not sales– since it’s only a small step up to collect an email in exchange for some valuable guide or quiz result. So, are you leveraging one-minute videos and dollar-a-day in your business?

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