Let Facebook do the work for you– such as running split tests on your ads.
Let Facebook do the work for you– such as running split tests on your ads. Read More »
Look at the frequency. If it’s under 1.2, then you know you have plenty of room before burning out meaning that you have a small budget relative to the audience size. But don’t enlarge your audience just because you are seeking a low CPE (cost per engagement). Make sure you’re getting quality, too. Do this
If your ad is doing well, how will you know its performance will decline? Read More »
With 3,000 reached, we’d want to see at least 300 people liking it. The link clicks are bonus engagement– called “consumptions” because they aren’t public. LCS (likes, comments, and shares) are called “applause”. The sum of consumptions + applause is total engagement.
If you get at least 10% of people liking your post, then you have a winner– boost it. Read More »
Consumers want education and they don’t think your stuff is as entertaining as your agency would have you believe:
Facebook could not exist without AI, which powers the newsfeed, recommendations, image recognition, and even ads. So if you’re a FB marketer and you don’t understand how Facebook is using machine learning, you’re not going to succeed in the long run. Inside Facebook’s AI Machine
And I’m still amazed that people click LIKE on articles they have not even read. TEN times as many people will click like or share something they’ve not even reviewed. Years ago, I thought LIKE was saying you enjoyed something, and that you approved of it. And then I noticed that in some cultures that
I’ve done this thousands of times. Read More »
Facebook won’t work for B2B.I tried boosting a post once and it didn’t generate sales.<< insert the most common thing you hear >> And in the thousands of businesses we’ve audited since 2007, the source of the problem is a strategic failure. No funnel, no list development, no content marketing, no process to generate and
Perhaps the most common thing I hear about Facebook marketing is “IT DIDN’T WORK.” Read More »
He believes you should halt all mobile ads because of ad blockers, accidental clicks, difficulties in tracking, etc… Instead, put your dollars into TV ads and build your own app– if I had a dollar for every time a brand thought they should make their own app. He argues you should dump money into app
I thought this guy was joking, but he’s actually serious. Read More »
5 years ago, Facebook had an auto-boost feature where they would automatically boost your posts. But they killed it because not many people were using it and because the system was boosting posts about site outages, sales that had already expired, and other things. So this new version gives you a bit more control: You
Facebook now lets you automatically boost posts Read More »
I think I’m going to throw up. The number of people selling courses on how to sell a course is mind-boggling. And I’ve forced myself to go through about 20 of the most popular ones to see what they’re doing. Here’s what I’ve learned if you’re curious: + 95% of this is hype designed to
What I’ve learned going through 20 of the most popular course-selling courses Read More »