Listen up.
Consumers want education and they don’t think your stuff is as entertaining as your agency would have you believe:
Consumers want education and they don’t think your stuff is as entertaining as your agency would have you believe:
The big brands are starting to realize that a good chunk of their media spend is being pocketed by the many middlemen along the way and what’s remaining (like nonprofit donations) is being wasted. Even MRC standards and bringing it in-house won’t alone solve the problem– they’re missing a clear process and strategy (goals, content,
Are you a social media professional or looking to “pick the brains” of those who do social media marketing for a living. HT Vincenzo M Landino. I admit that I’m guilty of providing a lot of free services, which means WE PAY THEM to provide the services– to Uber out to them, provide our expertise, and
Super smart advice from Forbes Read More »
Some have a lack of competence, a lack of confidence, or both. It’s not that they’re actively trying to con everyone. My friend Leonard Kim explains how “Imposter Syndrome” works. If you’re reading this, I’ll bet you also deal with guilty feelings– lack of self-worth, hypocrisy between how you look and how you feel inside.
It may involve basketballs, guitars, or the tool of our trade. But the underlying root is that we entertain and educate. It just so happens that we use social media, email, and whatever vehicles to distribute our message. But at the core, we are sharing our knowledge and passion. It’s the music we each make
Ultimately, we are all passionate creators. Read More »
Know how to instantly tell an expert from an amateur? The expert spends 90% of their time practicing the fundamentals and only 10% of their time doing “pro” stuff. The amateur spends 90% of their time trying to do the “pro” stuff while ignoring the fundamentals. The amateur marketer chases tricks and hacks. The amateur
How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs Read More »
Nobody wants to think they’re a bad person. So by cutting you down, they lessen the evil of what they’ve done to you. When you spot someone bad-mouthing you, start looking for what they’ve done and you’ll find that hidden sin. When they accuse you of stealing or cheating for no reason at all, they
Want to know why they don’t like you? Read More »
When I first met Amen, I felt an immediate presence and energy about him. After I heard him speak at a fitness industry conference and heard his story of going from a boy with a tire to the leader of a massive worldwide movement, I knew I had to get with him. Yesterday, he launched
A tire changed the course of this man’s life Read More »
My boss constantly chases me down, wondering where I am or what I’m doing. But that’s because I’m not motivated– and once I get a raise, I then might consider starting to work again. I complain that I don’t know what’s going on in the company, but I’m also not around to listen and don’t
I don’t get paid enough and my job sucks Read More »
5 years ago, Facebook had an auto-boost feature where they would automatically boost your posts. But they killed it because not many people were using it and because the system was boosting posts about site outages, sales that had already expired, and other things. So this new version gives you a bit more control: You
Facebook now lets you automatically boost posts Read More »