Dennis Yu

promoting yourself

When I applied for my first job, I had the crushing realization that I wasn’t really good at anything in particular.

So I crammed my resume with tons of small accomplishments and skills to fluff it up. Everyone else seemed to be so focused and successful– as doctors, attorneys, pro athletes, and the like. I felt like a loser. My mentor told me that I was an entrepreneur– my skill was being resourceful, not mastering one

When I applied for my first job, I had the crushing realization that I wasn’t really good at anything in particular. Read More »

How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs

Know how to instantly tell an expert from an amateur? The expert spends 90% of their time practicing the fundamentals and only 10% of their time doing “pro” stuff. The amateur spends 90% of their time trying to do the “pro” stuff while ignoring the fundamentals. The amateur marketer chases tricks and hacks. The amateur

How to instantly recognize the experts from the amateurs Read More »

Why you need a good mentor to succeed, and how to get one

Do you feel as though you’re working tirelessly with little to no progress being made? You want to succeed so badly, but it’s very difficult if you’re relying upon your own knowledge and your own network. Luckily, there’s another person who wants to see you succeed, and who can help you grow and realize more

Why you need a good mentor to succeed, and how to get one Read More »

What I’ve learned going through 20 of the most popular course-selling courses

I think I’m going to throw up. The number of people selling courses on how to sell a course is mind-boggling. And I’ve forced myself to go through about 20 of the most popular ones to see what they’re doing. Here’s what I’ve learned if you’re curious: + 95% of this is hype designed to

What I’ve learned going through 20 of the most popular course-selling courses Read More »

How to scale up your agency: a fresh approach

A colleague and I were discussing “leadership” and what that truly meant.  We came up with this analogy, which I hope you’ll enjoy. Imagine you move rocks for a living.  The more rocks you move, the more you’re paid.  You don’t move rocks, you don’t get paid.  Thus, you understand the direct linkage between putting

How to scale up your agency: a fresh approach Read More »

What I learned from 4.5 days watching Travis Wright– master storyteller in action

He’s a big Jayhawks fan. And a fan of the Chiefs– even got the previous head coach fired. Master storyteller, media manipulator, and stand-up comedian. Makes his corporate presentations funny, too. He sprinkles animated gifs into his presentation– try it! Social in real life translates into social online. Do you think big people are inherently funnier?

What I learned from 4.5 days watching Travis Wright– master storyteller in action Read More »

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